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Where's  the Love

 I am in love with love it's self. I love the connection two people feel when they're in love, the strong bond between a man and a woman. The happy endings of a cheesy romance comedy just gets my heart throbbing. In my eyes love in movies and fictional stories are a sweet escape from the "love" in reality.

Before love was something special, like a metaphorical block a gold, or even magic. When you have it, you value it, you cherish it, and you're grateful that it came to you. You never take it for granted, because there are other people still searching for what you have, hoping that one day they will stumble upon something as magical, as love. 

 When in love people want their significant other to know them, what they like, and what they don't like; the meaning behind their words, and behind the gestures they make. They want to have a relationship of a bestfriend, not just a lover. Every moment they spend together, whether it's during a candle lit dinner or on a worn out couch watching Godzilla, every moment in their eyes is special. When people are in love they want the other person to feel them, to know where their sensitive spots are, and how to hold them when they aren't in their greatest moods. Every touch is tender and warm; and they can feel the fiery passion between them, and not just between the sheets.

Before, that's what everyone wanted. But now? It's not like that anymore, people say they want love, that they want a magical relationship. But look in the wrong places, or just simply don't know what love actually is. As the years progressed, love became more rare, and to some more fictional, something irrational. Because now, all people want from each other is sex. They can't even begin to explain what love or making love is.

Now, one night stands are more frequent and normal than they ever were in history. It's hard to not think that at least one person in your life hasn't had one, one night stand. They think falling in love can be to complicated. Why should they stay bound to one person for a long period of time? They want their freedom. Sex on the other hand, is simple, you bump and grind, toss and turn, and the next morning you don't have to talk to each other again. Just get your clothes, and go your separate ways.

This is good for people who think alike. But, what about the people who want more? The hopeless romantics, and the ones who still are in search of true love. They're hearts gets shattered, and their dreams get crushed, because now all people want is to just bump and grind, and forget about it as soon as it's over.

Lovers of love know who complex love can be, they know love is anything put simple. Though the journey love takes you through, is worth every moment, even the bad times you share together, makes a perfect story to tell others. Then, after feeling passion whenever you're together; and trusting that one person with everythin, comes the love making. The entering into another world. Having the love you both share between each other fills the room. The connection is like no other, the pleasure increases, the touches are tender and feels like fire, gliding on your skin.

Without love to make that special night memorable; then it's just sex. Something not worth remembering.

When I look at this, I can't help but to feel sad, and have envy for the ones who actually found their love in a time like this. So while while hearts are being toyed with, love is thought to be fictional to some. I turn to my romance novels and cheesy romance comedies. At least I know the characters will have each other. Where in reality, no one has a script to follow.

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