Loser's Dairy


Tablo reader up chevron

My mom is a loser so I have to leave her

Don't take it wrong, she is neither broke nor unsuccessful in her career. Indeed, she is very successful and well-known in her field. Her financial illiteracy doesn't deduce her charm when she is out there and all. 


I don't like that mentality that she thinks it is ok to fucked up because there are so many friends to make it up for her. It is ok that she doesn't know how to register in the hospital for her cartaract because she has friend who know the president of the hospital and she can arranged to have a surgery at the second day. It is ok that she pass the traffic light or hit someone on the road because she know someone who can pull the string. She never realize those are things consuming her friendship and this kind of friendship needed to be cash in. And when the day comes it is suffocating for all of us. 


How hard it is to follow rules and be a civilized citizen? Do you really need to pull your strings everyday?


I don't like that she doesn't do any thorough research before she make financial decision. All she did is ask people who are at the same illiteracy level as she does and google it out. As generous as she does, she can waste a trunk of money in seconds. I hate people don't do research. I hate people don't study. I hate people waste money as if making money is easy. 


I hate that she is obsessed with her beauty and consider herself is always the most attractive woman in the room. I hate that she is constantly bragging her past achievements which are mostly accomplished more than 10 years ago. As a headhunter, we don't even look at people who don't have any achievement for more than 3 years.


I am leaving her. Because I believe I need to study, to do research, to think, to be civilized in order to be successful. At least have my own life, instead of being pushed around. 

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