Angels And Devils


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 Heaven isn't what you'd think it looked like. Basically, it looks exactly the same as Earth. Apart from the angels, devils, sprites and nymphs, of course. 

(Note: they aren't the only things that live in Heaven.)

I'm an air nymph - I control the weather and can create storms, rain/sun, snow, hurricanes and I make things out of thin air. 

I can also fly. 

My mother is a faerie - a cross between an angel and an air nymph. My father was the Havcan'rionosha - magical being of Light and Almighty Exulted Leader - until he got destroyed by the Geggaiopa-syuona, aka the Devil of Utmost Darkness, aka Darnesska. 

I never knew my father, but my mother says he was kind and handsome, generous and loving. 

Since Father died, Heaven ha been put in a state of turmoil; Father made sure that peace and order was retained throughout the land. But then he was killed by Darnesska, and Heaven went into panic. So much so, that Father's Sopihassna, or Leader's Advisors, asked the Devil of Utmost Darkness to be their leader. 

Epic Fail. 

Now, the whole of Heaven is ruled by Evil Beings - ogres, trolls, Dark Sprites, devils, Karridopata'e'derid, or Riomatas - black, ghost-like creatures who enter your mind and drive you so mad you kill yourself, and perhaps the worst of all; Terrorosadaas, aka Deadly Terrors. They suck out your soul and eat it, then set a dark mass on your body that slowly eats you, leaving you writhing in pain until you die. 

Wait - I haven't introduced myself. I'm Airiya. My name means Being of Air and Sky. I'm sixteen and most regard me as a self-centred bitch. I'm not though. The few friends I have will tell me that - I always put my loved ones first. That may sound self-centred (well, it kind of does), but that's my friend's words, not mine. In general, I'm hated because my father was the Light Leader and Heaven is mostly populated by followers of Darnesska. But whatever. I don't actually care that much - I have my own problems to sort out.

1. My worst enemy, the angel Riygila. 

2. School, The School of Magiks, aka SOM. 

3. How to get by without being attacked by the Devil of Utmost Darkness' followers. 

4. Life. 

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School today. Yay. 

Good thing number one: my best friend Winter is there - she's an ice sprite, or Uidoh'frogiro. 

Good thing number two: we have Flying lessons today - they're my favourite, and I'm really good at them. But I have an unfair advantage though, seeing as I'm an air nymph. 

Bad thing number one: my worst enemy, Riygila goes there too. 

Bad thing number two: I have Dark Arts today - my least favourite subject. 


But I don't really care, as it's my birthday! I'm sixteen today - that means I'm officially a fully fledged being, so that means I can do magic outside of school. 

I spread my beautiful, silvery, huge wings and soar off to School of Magicks. 

My wings are my pride and joy: they are the only lovely thing about me. Even Riygila is envious of them. 

I arrive at SOM, and whisper the password - Typiowred-duinfly - at the Yusians, or Silent Strong Ones. They let me past, nodding at me. Fortunately, they are supporters of my father. Makes things easier. 

"Hey, Airiya!" I hear from across the courtyard. 

"Winter!" I shout back, smiling. 

We run across the yard to each other, and do our secret handshake. 

"How's things?" I ask. 

"Crappy as ever," Winter replies, laughing. "Happy birthday! I'm giving you your present when I come over tonight."

We head into school, arms linked, where we crash head-on into Riygila and her petty friends. 

"Uh, excuse me? Like, look where you're going!" she fake-gasps, sneering at us. She tosses her stunning, long, shiny blond hair and ruffles her pure white wings - a common feature in angels.   

"You should as well, Riygila," Winter frowns. 

"Whatever. Leave us alone, gorgudsronghers."

"We are not babies," I snarl, but the demon angel has already walked away. 

I narrow my eyes at her, and discreetly send a rain cloud in her direction. 

To my delight, she gasps - real this time - and starts fussing, crying and running to the toilets.

"Ha," I mutter under my breath. 

"Class, we will be studying the art of flying under fire - i.e. when you are caught up in a fight. I will teach you to evade bullets, by shooting small, rubbery pellets at you. Your aim is to dodge as many as you can," the booming, low voice of our flying teacher, Mr Dionsiue tells us.  

We unfurl our wings - the variety is huge, from dainty, shimmering faerie wings, feathery angel wings, and the firey, red-hot wings of fire nymphs, to the bat-like wings of dragonhearts, the ghostly, dark masses of demons and devils, and the green, branch-like wings of nature spirits. Not to mention my wings of course - the only wings of their kind in my school. Because I'm the only air nymph in SOM. 

"Ready... FLY!" Mr Dionsiue shouts at us. 

With that, all of the class spring into the air, flapping wings furiously. I wait until I'm the only one left on the ground, then, with one flap of my massive wings, I soar into the air. My home. 

I succumb to the overwhelming peacefulness of the atmosphere, and close my eyes, letting my wins take control. I dive, dodge and strife, avoiding the bullets. 

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