Demon Origins


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The story begins in the Eastern Continent, one of the five. Eastern, Southern, Northern, Western, and Middle Continent. A young man no older than fifteen, embarks on a journey to join the most prestigious school for magicians on the five continents. His intentions, pure, just to bring back wealth and strength to his family, so that his family could retire as farmers and get out of the financial struggle that they are in. But will all go so smoothly?

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Chapter 1: Departure

The sun was rising on The Western Continent and people were gathering their youngest generation to represent them in the entrance exam for Pantheon. Every year Pantheon would send the Ark to each continent to pick up the new candidates from the continents capital. Western Continents capital was called Siege of Newara. It wasn't as big as the other four capitals, but it was probably the most safe one. For many wars it stood when the others fell. The royal bloodline in the Newara was specialized in defensive magic which was the main reason for their indestructible walls and defense formations. Never had it seen a force that it couldn't handle. Within a thousand kilometers there was no bigger city, so many smaller towns near it were dependent on it's trade and prosperity. 


Seventy kilometers north from Siege of Newara was a small village of Unoda, which was part of Newara. It was a peaceful small village which main income was growing Minor ranked magical plants and herbs. There weren't any big time Magicians in the village, even the town-head was only a Journeyman Magician specialized in agriculture of magical plants. When he was young he had studied in a small time magic school and after graduating with passable grades he had formed this town. There were only a handful of families living in the town, taking care of the plants and trading them for food and resources.


A skinny boy roughly in the age of 14 was packing his bag in one of the houses. The room he was in was filled with books, notes and was a complete mess. It was something you would see in a crazy researchers office. But this boy only had a thirst for knowledge, when he saw a new book he would read it. When there was a lesson he could learn he quietly observed and took notes. He was a smartest person in the town, maybe even smarter than people in most of the small villages near Newara.


The hardest decision the boy now faced was which books he would stuff in his bag since it had limited space. Bags with magical space that are bigger on the inside, were way too expensive for small time villages and could only be seen with wealthier people and good families. One would have to spend at least 50% of the whole villages annual income to get one, so it was obvious that the nearest place where you could find one would be at the Siege.


But the boys room was like a library, and he could fit only five books. It was hard to know which books would benefit him the most since he pretty much remembers everything he reads, but to study the book more and more could grant him some insight. So he ended up taking "Plants: Threat or Possibility?" which had pictures and properties of wild plants, "Minor Elemental Control" was a thick book about first steps of elemental control with magic, "Properties of Mana" was the the biggest book he had but it was the most informative about all things Mana, "Survival with Magic" was a book about surviving with the help of Magic, and the last book was "Affairs of a Demihuman" a popular romance/drama book, and that one he picked because he was only halfway through and he could not wait to finish it.


He stuffed some potions and pills to the side pockets, and filled the rest of the bag with clothes, put the bag in his back and took a deep breath. He walked out of his room and looked back at the mess. He sighed deeply and closed the door. This would be the last time in a long time that he would see that beautiful mess of books and notes. It was rather heartbreaking for him. I'm such a geek, he thought to himself.


After walking down the staircase he came in the kitchen, where his mom was making food. Something smelled delicious.


"Ah Batsu! Just wait a second I'll make you a lunch to go! It's almost finished!" she said.


"But mom! I'm in a hurry!"


"Okay okay! Here you go!" she said and started stuffing rice and meat in the small bag.

"It may be a little messy when you open it but it will still taste good! I was all morning in the garden so I was a bit late with your food. Sorry, sweetie." 


"Thats okay." Batsu said as he tied the bag of food on his waist and smiled at his mom. His mom was an avarage looking woman with long brown hair. Her skirt had many stains and dirt from the garden. He would really miss her, but man shows no weakness. "I'm going now! Byee." He tried to bid farewell but he could feel his lower lip quivering. This was the first time he would leave his family for a long time.


"Come back when you're a great wizard , okay sweetie? And say bye to your father and sister! I will make dinner for them, but.. come.. *sniff*... here.." she said eyes watering as she took his son in her embrace what might be one of the last times. It was not uncommon for young generations to never return after being admitted in to a major schools. And the school where Batsu was going, was the biggest, Pantheons school of magic.


"I will , I will!" Batsu grunted as he struggled free from his moms embrace and swiped the oncoming tear from his eye. He walk to the door and as he was about to open it a small girl slammed it open.


"BATSUU!!--  Oh! You were here already. I was about to come and get you down!" she asked while looking up at her brother.  


"Yes I'm here. You don't have to yell, you little monster!" Batsu laughed.


"Well duh! I wouldn't have yelled if I knew ye were already down here!" she said and kicked Batsu's leg.


"Shit! You punk!" he said and grabbed his sister and lift the tiny being in the air and hugged her. "I will miss you Lora." 


"I will miss you too" she sniveled and blew his nose on Batsu's shirt on the shoulder.


"Gross!" he said and dropped Lora on her butt on the floor. "Is dad on the fields?".


"Yeah. He's out back... Bring me something cool when you come back" Lora said with a frown as she rubbed her aching buttocks.


"I will if you take care of mom!" he laughed as he walked out. As he came out on the porch he stretched and shouted towards the field.


"Dad! I'm leaving now!"


"Wait wait waaaaait!" his dad shouted from the backyard and ran to the porch. "I got something for you!" he said and took a pendant off his neck. "This is something that has been in our family for ages. And since you're the first one to actually have brains enough to tryout for a bigger school, you should take it." and he put the pendant in Batsus hand. Batsu took the pendant and looked at it for a while. It was a golden circle with a four-leaf clover in the middle. "For a good luck!" dad laughed.


"Thanks... I know it means a lot to you.. I'll take care of it!" he said and put it around his neck.


"Be careful. We don't know what kind of place Pantheon is. There are people who have entered, but were never seen. We don't know if they are still learning the ways of magic there or if they are long gone." his dad said with a serious face.


"I will." Batsu nodded and gave his old man a hug and patted his back. "I'll bring you some great seeds and saplings back from the school if I get the chance!"


Dad smiled and gave him a nudge. "Off you go! Old man Revera is waiting for you over there! So you better hurry!" he pointed at the horse carriage.


Batsu ran towards the carriage waving back at his family. When he came to the cart he hopped inside and opened the front window where he could see Reveras gray hair and bit of the horse. "Let's go old man!"


"As ye wish lad!" the he said and smilingly nodded and made a clicking noise with his tongue and the horses started running forward. The scenery changed from the fields to a forest and from forest to wide plains.


After many hours of travelling, in the back of the carriage, Batsu slammed his book closed and wiped snot from his nose. Who would have guessed that the Demihuman character in the book would die in the end. That was just too sad and cruel. He shoved the book back in his bag. I wonder if this is the end of this book series, he thought. But his thought were interrupted by the yell from outside the carriage. 


"We are arriving to Siege of Newara! Take all yer stuff with ya lad! I don't want no trash here in me carriage!"


"Gotcha! Thanks for the ride!"


"Heheh. Yer family gave me a good bit o' herbs so pleasure is mine! Yer quite a lucky kiddo! I wish ye luck on yer exams and whatnot!"


"Thanks old man! Bye!!" Batsu grinned and hopped off the carriage.


"Who's old ye runt! I'm still at the prime of my life!" the old man laughed and clicked his tongue. The horses started moving again, so he turned the cart around and it started moving back to the way they came from.


Batsu turned around and took a look at the city. The Siege of Newara was indeed worthy of its fame. The walls were at least a hundred meters tall. Every brick in the wall fortified with defensive magic. One would have to be insane to try and take over the Siege. He had been here a couple times, but the city was as mighty as ever. Even the gates Batsu was going to enter from looked more and more monstrous with every step he took towards them. There was a huge moat around the city.  You could barely see the bottom, and the little bit you could see, were thousands of spikes on the bottom. Batsu shivered as he thought what would happen if one was unfortunate enough to fall in.


There were only three bridges where you could get inside the city across the moat. Flying in was impossible because of the magical barriers. Every now and then there would be birds or flying predators that would be unlucky enough to get zapped by the barrier and instantly being disintegrated into nothingness. 


The bridge Batsu was walking on was quite empty. Since in the north there were only small towns hardly no one used this bridge. There were few people riding horses out towards north rather hurriedly,  so he moved to the side and let them pass beside him.


After a while he finally arrived to the gates where he was stopped by the guard.


"Purpose of visiting?" the guard asked.


"I'm here for the Ark of Pantheon!" Batsu said proudly. The guard leered at him and chuckled.


"You think a runt like you with such a poor Mana can get in. You're just courting death!"


Batsu was a rather smart fellow so he didn't really like being looked down upon. But there was really nothing he could do about it here.


"Hmph! Can I get in now!" he asked as he frowned.


"Yeah yeah, what ever tickles your fancy.." guard said mockingly and stepped aside. "You might wanna hurry tho, the Ark is already at the plaza. I don't know how long it will stay there for."


"Wh- wh- WHAT!?" Batsu shouted, stumbled forward and started running like his life depended on it. He could not be late today or he would have to wait another year. And the sooner he got there, the sooner he would gain a rank of a Mage.


"What a dork" the guard snorter and resumed position.


Batsu ran as fast as he could towards the plaza. The streets were flooding people. Many families had come and escorted their children to the Ark. He could see the Ark from here. He had often in the past come here to look at the people who left for the Pantheon, but now it would be him that would enter on the majestic vehicle. However there were hundreds if not thousands of people between him and the Ark. He ran in to the crowd and started zig-zagging through.


"Excuse me! Sorry. Sorry. Coming through! I need to get the Ark. Sorry. Sorry!" Batsu kept pushing through people towards plaza. It was like an endless sea of people. No matter how much he kept pushing through it seemed like there was no end, and the crowd get getting tighter and tighter. Suddenly he tripped on someones foot and stumbled. He fell forward face first on the ground, but he had reached the end of the crowd and there was nothing to stop his fall.


"Watch it kid!" grunted an old man in the front row.


"My bad!" said Batsu as he got up and continued running towards the Ark. You could see Ark clearly from here. After he escaped the mass of people the huge ship floated in front of him. On every corner of a ship there was a mage. They were dressed in the robes of pantheon. They were from the Inner Circle, where you could get after take a different exam, and proving yourself in Pantheon. Most of the Inner Circle were Expert ranked mages, which was no minor feat.


Every year the continent who got the highest Annual Magic Average Score (AMAS) would get experts from their continent to fly the Ark, which was a great honor that everyone aspired for, However the Middle Continent had taken the best scores ten years in a row, This year was no different. People from even farther away would often come to see the Ark, and this years AMAS winners.


Batsu noticed that one of the members from Inner Circle was not much older than himself. What kind of background did she have? And if she had no background, only one word could describe her, a monster. She had a proud look on her face. She didn't even put the people from the Western Continent in her eyes. How could they amount to her. 


"Name?" woman asked another boy a small distance away. They boy mumbled something to the woman, Batsu couldn't really hear what he said but the woman then pointed towards a magical formation on the ground "Enter the circle!" she said and started chanting a spell. The boy who had entered the circle suddenly disappeared in a flash of light. "Are there any more people who are applying for Pantheon?" 


Batsu raised his hand and kept running towards the lady. "I am! Sorry I'm late!"


"You barely made it. But if you were late, you would surely know! As we would no longer be here. Whats your name?" she asked indifferently and took out his notepad and quill.


"My name is Batsu ma'am!" 


"Enter the circle and prepare to be teleported to inside the Ark!" she said as she wrote his name down and once again stated chanting. Batsu started feeling as if the air around him started fluctuating. Suddenly he felt a yank upwards. But before it started it was already over and he was inside the Ark. The woman followed soon after.


"Welcome all! We are now departing from Newara! We will arrive to Pantheon within 8 hours! You are free to walk around the ship or just stay here." when she finished talking the Ark started shaking as it took into the sky.


Far away in the Pantheon the Northern Continent had just finished their exams. A bearded old man with a blue and golden robe stood on top of the Pantheon's School of Magic at the highest tower looking towards west while stroking his beard. The man frowned and started walking down through the air as if there were actual stairs below his feet. The new batch of candidates would arrive shortly. There was still lot to do.


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Chapter 2: Welcome

The Ark started soaring through the air towards the Middle Continent. The people on the ground kept talking about the things they would talk about every single year, like how next year was different and the students from Western Continent were going to fly the Ark next year. It had been tens of years when it had last happened, so soon it would have to be their turn, right?


On the Ark the atmosphere was rather lively. People kept on chattering until the woman who had transferred everyone inside started talking.


"Welcome everyone to the Ark. You are the last continent this year to enter Pantheon, so there will already be people who have been accepted to the school waiting for you. Now due regulations I am to inform that this year in the AMAS Western Continent was ranked 4th out of 4."


People frowned and their mood sunk in a little bit. It was like a slap to the face, even if it was said to motivate people to exceed the people from last year. However many people were not fazed by this.


"There are also two rules. Rule 1, no using combat magic or bullying, Rule 2, if you fall down from the ship we will not come and pick you up."


How cruel would it be to fall down, you probably wouldn't even survive the fall to the ground, unless you had some kind of a relic, charm, or spell to slow your falling speed.


"I wish you all a pleasant trip and hope that you will fare well in the exam. There are several guards on deck, if you have something more to ask. I have urgent business in Pantheon so, farewell." she gave a slight bow and took a charm from inside her robe, slapped her hands together with the charm between and with a small *bang* she was gone.


After this people started scattering and started looking for people they might have known from before. However Batsu walked up the stairs and got up to the deck. He looked for a guards since he had a few questions.


"Excuse me, I got something I would like to know." Batsu asked a guard who was stationed just outside the stairs.


"Go ahead, boy! What seems to be the problem?" Guard politely asked Batsu.


"I wonder what might happen to the people who fail the exam?" Batsu asked as he took out his notebook and pen.


"I am sorry, but I am not authorized to answer that question. You will find all about the exams when we arrive to Pantheon!" Guard immediately said and rubbed his neck. "Sorry kid.."


"Sorry to bother you then..." Batsu gave a small bow and backed away from the guard. This was quite worrisome for Batsu. He excelled in knowledge but was quite poor at casting magic. Hi was aiming to become a researcher for Pantheon. With his thirst for knowledge it shouldn't be impossible to achieve. But what would happen if you failed the exam? If there was a normal procedure like flying the people home, the guard probably would have told him the answer. But as he couldn't tell him an answer to a simple question like that, it really seemed like there was something shady going on.


Batsu sat down on a bench and started scribbling on his Journal.


"Watcha writing there?" a female voice rang just from next to his ear. Batsu twitched from being startled. The girls face was right next to his own. She had long hair, it was blonde but had few black stripes. Her eyes were big and round, which made her look like a doll. She was allover quite pretty. He blushed a little.


"It's just my journal" he said and moved a bit to the right, making space between their faces.


The girl jumped over the bench and sat down next to Batsu. "Waaah! How can you have patience for something like that? I hate reading and writing... So booooooring!" she sulked.


"It helps me to gather my thoughts. And reading is the most important thing. You can learn so much from just one book! After a certain level you can even gather Insight on your spell casting just from reading and studying a book." he excitedly started explaining.


"Hahaha, you're such a geek! I like you! My name is Adriana! Whats your's?" she asked and bumped Batsu's shoulder with a gentle fist.


"I'm Batsu."


"Nice to meet you" she said and smiled.


"Uhh, I got a favor I would like to ask if its not too much." Adriana said and started playing with her hair nervously. "As you might guess I'm not that well read"


Batsu chuckled. Obviously he thought to himself.


"I'm a bit worried about the written part of the exam... Can you teach me a bit about mana properties?"


"Uh, I guess? I don't think there is nothing better to do right now. I actually have a book about it right here..." but just as he mentioned the book Adriana went limp on the bench and started moaning.


"I don't wannaaaaa! Books are stupiiiiid...." she moaned as she was in a great deal of pain just thinking about reading.


"Fine, I'll teach you a bit of something. Do you know what happens when you for example, cast a fireball spell?"


"Uuuuh... You gather mana and think of fire and throw it at an enemy!" she said speculatingly!


Most of people who learned magic at a young age just learned magic by nature. Just like how a baby starts walking for the first time. You observe and do. They don't know really how they do it, they just do!


"Not quite, first you have to be aware that there is mana in everything and everywhere. On every person there are several Mana Points. These mana points are in direct contact of your Mana well, which is directly below your heart. As you grow the Mana well grows larger and the mana points on your body start absorbing mana from all around you. You can control the absorb amount depending on your mana control skills. There are skills and techniques to get better at it. You can absorb the mana or you can squeeze it out through these points. The location and amount of these points are however different for everyone. Most people have one point in both of their palms. So let's say I want to create a fireball. First I need to create an element of fire. By controlling mana and making them collide, I can create a spark, and as I simultaneously add mana to the spark it creates fire." Batsu showed her and created a fire, in a size of a candlelight above his palm


"Wouldn't the fire burn you too?" Adriana asked as she was trying to keep up with this private lesson. However it was not that private anymore. There were several people who had sneakily sat somewhere close and intensely listened, and some who had downright just sat next to or infront of Batsu.


"When you extract the mana out of yourself, it has already become part of you so unless you are dealing with some seriously dangerous stuff, it won't harm you. Uhm.. Let us continue!" Batsu cleared his throat. He really loved this, giving lectures.


"However what you need to know is that mana is forever. When we are gone, mana still exists. When you cast a spell you don't actually destroy mana, nor is it lost forever. It just disperses into the nature as the spell is finished." Batsu explained.


Many of the people raised their brows as they had always thought that once you use mana, it would be gone forever. That was a common fallacy.


Just as he was about to continue, someone cried out near the edge of the Ark. "What is that!?"


Many people walked to the edge and looked down. As wind blasted at their face, they had to squint their as to get used to it first. But what they saw next was something they had never seen before. In the middle of the ocean there was a huge whirlpool, at least a few kilometers in width. And how deep it was, no one knew.


"That's the Devourer" Batsu said all knowingly. "And that there is a high ranked Water Serpent" he said and pointed to the one of edge of the Devourer. The Water Serpent was a dangerous beast, with nearly no match in the sea, but even it was powerless as it was dragged down by the current.


"You sure know alot!" Adriana laughed and looked at him. To her Batsu looked quite handsome even though he was quite a scrawny little boy. "Whats that? It's pretty!" Adriana asked and pointed at the amulet that was swinging with the wind on Batsu's neck.


"Ah!" Batsu exclaimed and took it in his hand as he was scared of losing it. "It's something that my father gave me before I left."


"It's quite unique looking, really cool! But can we like, continue with the lesson" Adriana said blushing and looked at it.


"Sure" he answered and started walking towards the bench as he tucked the amulet inside his shirt.


After several hours of diligent teaching, there were tens of people who had gathered around to listen. Batsu was quite happy that there were people who were actually listening at his lessons. Back home when he talked with his friends or family, they would all get bored really quickly, and make up an excuse so they wouldn't have to listen to his lecturing.


However Adriana felt exhausted. There was so much new stuff she didn't know, she was wondering if she could remember even half of the stuff when the exam starts.


"There land ahead!" someone suddenly shouted from the head of the Ark. And truly a huge and majestic city was starting to gain form even to the most bad sighted people.


The city was something that Siege of Newara couldn't even compare to. The walls were twice as high and in the middle of the city there was a huge tower that peaked among the clouds. The city was humongous. Many of the people upon Ark started gasping, and most of people had trouble closing their mouths as their jaws were dropping.


The Ark started slowing down as it neared the large tower. Around the tower there was a huge courtyard and hundreds of small houses, and all of that was protected by an inner city wall. On the wall there read "Pantheon School of Magic", with huge letters.


The Ark softly landed on the courtyard. The four experts from Inner Circle then using various methods got down from the Ark, and disappeared among the smaller houses.


"What are we supposed to do now?" someone asked in the crowd. People were shrugging their shoulder as they had no clue.


"Everyone exit the Ark this way!" one of the guards said and showed the way to a glowing staircase, that was clearly not there before. "All of you wait on the courtyard!"


Couple of hundred people exited the Ark and stood for a good half an hour on the courtyard, speculating what would come next, when they heard a loud thump, followed by a creak. The huge doors on the tower started opening. From the tower came the four Inner Circle expert and a old bearded man in a gold and blue robe.


A powerful voice rang throughout the courtyard. The voice gave of a feeling of might, and prestige.


"I am the Headmaster Cun! Welcome to the school of Pantheon!"


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Chapter 3: The First Trial

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Chapter 4: The Second Trial

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Chapter 5: The Final Test

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Chapter 6: The Ceremony

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Chapter 7: Our Own Ways

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Chapter 8: To What Extent

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Chapter 9: The Voice

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Chapter 10: The Truth

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