Help with literature review: Quick Tips for Newbies


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Chapter 1

When you think that you don’t have enough time to work on your literature review, you have many options to select. Newbies is a great platform to offer writing help. It is a place where professionals from various disciplines can meet to discuss literature.


The cost of a literature review in college is very low. The difficulty is because there is no way a student can achieve that score. After writing a literature review, the student needs to set aside time and research the available information to collect the right information. After that, they can decide on the next steps and start writing the paper. It is essential to know that students have to score excellent grades in their literature reviews.


If you want to help you with your literature review, let our tips help you out. Read on and find out more about writing tips for students.

Structure of a Literature Review

A literature review should have an introduction, body, and conclusion section. The literature review should have these sections:

  1. The name of the author. Here, you can write the name of the author, whether it is a famous person, famous career, or any other interesting topic. Remember, you can add any other names to avoid plagiarism.
  2. The main points to support your research in the literature review
  3. Literature facts about the writer. Here, you can present the statistics, tables, and charts you have used in the paper. The information helps you to develop a thesis statement for your literature review.
  4. The purpose of the literature review

A literature review helps to explain a relationship between various topics in a particular field. For instance, you can use the literature review to explain the influence of technology on the society or social situation custom essay service. Or, you can use it to explain the unique causes of a particular problem in a particular discipline.

Steps in writing a literature review

You need to know the steps in writing a literature review. At times, the instructions might be vague. It is always good to seek help when you get stuck in your literature review task. Here is how to do that:

  • Research

Find relevant sources to support your research. You can try to consult your tutors for ideas on how you can carry out your research. A literature review might require you to carry out more in-depth research. Be keen to select the most appropriate source to help you out. Besides, it would be best if you sought information from scholarly articles, journals, or books.

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