Poker Hand Rankings


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Poker Hand Rankings

Of all the games played at a casino, poker is considered to involve less gambling. However, this can only be true of you have a good understanding of poker hands ranking. This will help you to have good strategies and stand a higher chance of winning the poker game.

All about Poker Hand Rankings

Memorizing how hands are ranked in poker enables you to think about all the activities taking place at the table. This will enable you to come up with the best strategies to win your hand. You don’t have to worry about understanding poker hands ranking for different versions of poker. This is because almost all poker games tend to use similar ranking of hands.

Best hands to Guarantee a Win In Poker

High Hand

This is the first and the weakest hand you can make in poker. While this hand can enable you to win the pot, the chances of winning get less as more players join the game. As opposed to holding a pair, the high hand will involve holding one card that is the highest among the five given to you.

There is also the one pair hand that can enable winning in many pots and the two pair hands that is a bit higher.

Please note that if you’ll be declaring your hand orally, it would be best to avoid causing any confusion by declaring the higher pair first. 

Good Poker Hands

This is a more advanced hand compared to the higher hand. It involves making a three of a king, also referred to as trips or set. This will put you at a higher chance of winning the pot compared to the hands discussed above.

A straight hand is needed in order to beat a set. A straight involves five cards with at least one of the cards having a different suit. Two types of straights are discussed below;

A Wheel- This straight is made up of cards from ace to five.

A Broadway- This straight is made up of cards from ten to ace and is the most powerful straight you can have.

The Stronger Hands in Poker

This is one of the best in poker hand rankings. If you opt for this when playing, you’ll have the highest chance of winning a pot. It enables you to win against a full house but on condition that you have a minimum of four of a kind.

Having four cards with the same rank will amount to four of a kind.


Please note that in poker hands ranking, a flush is considered the most powerful hand that only a few can beat. Five cards of the same suit amount to a flush.


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