The First Steps of the Writer


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The First Steps of the Writer

The first steps of a toddler are always astonishing moments to witness: the child attempts the initial steps, tries to reach a balance, falls in the process, and then tries again, picking up himself/herself, until he/she is able to stand and launch into his/her independence and achieve the expected milestone of stance and swing in walking. The story is the same for a writer, whether you are in college, writing an academic paper or even a story or book, every writer has to go through some basic steps until he/she ultimately achieves his/her goals.


Writing, just like any procedure as in baking, manufacturing, or even the surgeon’s operating protocols has the steps which it has to undergo. The failure of the writer to take these steps is capable of decreasing the quality of writing produced by the writer. This is the reason why many writers end up not hitting their targets. Fortunately, this article provides the essential steps that a writer needs to follow, to produce a remarkable essay, article, or composition regardless of whether your school is Canadian or American or anywhere in the world!


We swing right away into motion about the first steps you need to take to write that outstanding paper, essay, and article. Let’s go!

1. Read! Read! Read!

Anyone who has spent quality time with kids knows that kids observe and try to mimic the adults around them. Therefore, the instincts of a child to walk are strengthened by his observation of the people around him, plus the need to move himself from a point to another in order to get the things he needs. This goes the same way for the writer, the writer is able to draw the right insight, understand the ‘how’ and learn the rudimentary of writing from the first reading from what other writers have written.

It is absolutely true that reading wide over diverse topic and authors gives you a unique voice and way of writing among other writers, plus, absorbing and utilizing what you have read makes the style and flow of writing become a part of you. There is no limit and bar to how much you should read as a writer learning to take his first steps. The old saying is universally correct that ‘you are what you read.’ Thus, in finding your steps in writing, your most primary step is to read, and not get tired of reading.

2. Understand the Basics 

While this step directly goes together with reading, it is still paramount to discuss this crucial step to writing on its own. This is because a number of readers only enjoy what they read and the process of reading. They get absorbed by the intelligence and wit of the author that they forget to take note of the rules that guide writing, especially in academic essay writing. Though you can pay for essay writing and get brilliant articles and essays using a writing service, yet is it important for a writer to know the basic guidelines of what he/she writes.


There are specific ways to use words and terms in writing, there are rules that guide the use of punctuation and marks. There are formats to follow when citing what another person or author has said and other important rules of grammar and style. Of course, a number of useful resources are available online and in stores which can proffer help when you are in need. Therefore, as a preparation for your writing, you should be willing to invest in some of those resources.

3. Plan for It

 Now, you have read a lot of materials, books, and resources, yet, you must understand that reading another’s work doesn’t count as doing your own; and in the same way, learning how to write appropriately, doesn’t translate in any way to the actual process of writing. Therefore, you must PLAN what you intend to write, and this planning stage, which is also called the ‘prewriting phase’ contributes a significant part to the success of your writing experience.


What you are expected to do using your prewriting phase include finding the ideas relevant for your composition. While doing this, you could find information using sources such as the internet, textbooks, articles, journals, and so on. Then, it is essential that you make notes while collating the information and your thoughts. Finally, organize, restructure, and arrange your thought, and this sets you up for the next step.

4. You have to Write

 Just as a child needs to take the required steps before he/she can be said to have walked, you likewise have to really put your thoughts and ideas, and even products of your research into writing to show that you have written.

Now, a lot of self-doubts usually precedes this stage, but you only have to believe in yourself and push your words out. You are never alone in this, and even the best of the writers you probably read also have periods where they don’t believe in themselves, yet they go on, and their works become appreciated just because they overcame the fear and just did it.

5. Finishing-up 

Of what use is the step of a child while is only taken in secret where no one can see, applaud, strengthen, or correct? In this same way, your writing is incomplete until it is read, edited, corrected for errors and seen by friends, colleagues, or even your superiors. These steps do not only allow the efforts you put into writing get appreciated, but it also gives room for encouragements and useful suggestions that can transform your writing and take it from good to best.


The first steps taken by a child are the most difficult, and observations have also shown that the first steps taken by a writer are the most difficult. This basically is because subsequent steps come with experience and knowledge, which could never be achieved without the first steps. Therefore, don’t be scared or discouraged to take your initial steps as a writer, and see yourself emerge into a pro!

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