Chanca Piedra: Benefits, Side Effects & Dosage


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Chanca Piedra

What is Chanca Piedra?

Millions of Americans find out that they are suffering from kidney stones or gallstone issues annually. Estimates show that almost 10 percent of the U.S. population tend to develop kidney stones. This can lead to emergency hospital visits for surgery to remove the stones.

Kidney and gallstones usually form due to the deposits of calcium salts. Anyone can develop them without knowing at first until they grow and start to pass out through the urinary tract, causing great discomfort. Kidney stone issues are growing more common in young people and can also cause further issues in the form of blockages and infections.

To avoid the formation of kidney and gallstones, though, nature has gifted us with the ultimate liver and urinary tract protector in the form of an herb known as chanca piedra (scientifically called phyllanthus niruri). This herb can help in expelling the stones from the body by stimulating the production of bile juice to improve the functioning of the gall bladder, liver and kidney.

Origin of Chanca Piedra

Chanca piedra was originally found in the rainforests of the Amazon and can grow to a height of almost 40 centimeters. This effective herb has been used for generations in herbal medicine for the treatment of hepatitis, diabetes, high blood pressure, liver dysfunction, viral infections, intestine, urinary and stomach issues.

Research proves that chanca piedra prevents the development of stones in organs, lowers the blood pressure and blood sugar.

How Does Chanca Piedra Work?

Studies reveal that chanca piedra is rich in various chemicals that are beneficial for the body and helps in reducing fever and pain. The herb works by increasing the production of urine, which expels toxins and fights against various kinds of bacteria and viruses by improving the immunity of the body.

Chanca Piedra Benefits

Treats Kidney Stones

Kidney stones can be extremely painful. Unfortunately, many people suffer from them. Thankfully, though, chanca piedra is a highly effective remedy.

Recent studies have proved that this herb has the potential to manipulate the formation of stones in the body. Chanca piedra reduces the formation of crystals, changes their structure and softens the stones, making it easier for them to pass through the urinary tract. It is also quite beneficial for treating the burning by toning down inflammation caused by urinary infections.

Controls High Blood Sugar and High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure (or hypertension) is genetic and rather common these days. Chanca piedra is a great alternative for people who do not wish to take prescribed pills. In times of great distress, spikes in the blood sugar and blood pressure levels can easily occur, and the use of chanca piedra can help individuals control their stress levels and anxiety.

Controls Diabetes

One of the most prevalent diseases worldwide, diabetes currently has no cure. And if symptoms get worse, it can be fatal. However, it is very much treatable. Chanca piedra is a great herb extract that has historically been able to treat diabetes. It keeps blood sugar levels under control, which prevents the other vital organs from being affected.

Reduces Pain and Fever

Studies show that chanca piedra reduces fever, joint pain and relieves the pain of sore throat and colic issues.

In Ayurvedic medicine, the use of this herb is known to help with vaginal discharge, reducing swollen tonsils, malaria and sexually transmitted diseases.

Strengthens the Immune System

Our immune system is responsible for fighting and protecting the body from various harmful elements and germs. For people who have a weak immune system, they are sensitive to all kinds of viruses and bacteria. Therefore, it is vital to keep the immune system rejuvenated as it can grow weaker as we age.

This is where chanca piedra comes into play. It ensures that the body is healthy and strong to fight against all kinds of foreign attacks.

Hepatitis B Virus Treatment

Chanca piedra has healing properties that are beneficial for the liver. Research has been conducted to study its benefits for the treatment of hepatitis B, and the results have shown that it is an effective, natural remedy for this disease.

One out of every 250 people in the U.S. carry this virus, so the use of chanca piedra can make a huge difference in its elimination. Not only this, but studies have also shown that this herb can be equally effective when treating hepatitis C as well.

Improves Liver Health

The liver is one of the most important organs present in the body. It is responsible for controlling health digestion, and if damages occur, it can cause various issues and lead to the destruction of the body. To promote liver health, the use of chanca piedra tea is highly beneficial, as it protects the liver from various harmful toxins.

Reduces Constipation

People who suffer from constipation can feel relief by taking chanca piedra, specifically in the form of tea. This helps in reducing constipation by stimulating a healthy digestion process in the body.

Increases Appetite

A number of factors can cause a lack of appetite, including the result of some serious ailments. Its usual cause is a dysfunction of the internal organs. If not treated, loss of appetite can lead to serious issues. The regular use of chanca piedra helps to increase one’s appetite while also maintaining optimal health.

Improves Urinary Health

Chanca piedra is very effective for urinary tract issues like infections and inflammation. It tones down the burning sensation and reduces the symptoms to a great extent, thus improving the overall urinary health. It is also good for treating issues like vaginal discharge.


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Chanca Piedra Benefits


Chanca Piedra Side Effects and Interactions

Chanca piedra is generally safe. However it is best to take the advice of a healthcare professional before supplementing with it.

  • Chanca piedra can increase the chances of bleeding. Therefore, it is advised that people with bleeding issues are careful when taking a high dosage.
  • Chanca piedra lowers the blood’s sugar levels. People with diabetes should be cautious when taking this herb along with other medications or supplements that affect blood sugar levels. Get your glucose levels monitored by a healthcare professional.
  • After the intake of the extract, sedation or drowsiness can occur. Be cautious when operating heavy machinery or driving.
  • Be careful when taking chanca piedra if you take medication for lowering cholesterol or other supplements that impact the immune system.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid taking chanca piedra. This also holds true for those trying to conceive.

In certain cases, chanca piedra may cause discomfort or severe abdominal pain. It can also alter the levels of white blood cells, affect the immune system, cause anorexiadiarrhea, sleep issues, fatigue, fever, dizziness, increase the urine production, headache, joint pain, lung disorders, nausea, sore mouth, skin rashes, hives and increase the levels of potassiumsodium and chloride in urine.

Chanca Piedra Dosage

Chanca piedra can be consumed in many easy ways. This herb is available in the form of tea, extracts, capsules and tablets.

If consumed in the form of tea, it is taken orally and individuals are asked to drink up to 3 cups on a daily basis. Concentrated extracts are also sold in South America, and it is recommended to take an average dose of 2 to 6 milliliters twice to three times a day.

For the treatment of diabetes, a small dose is taken for a week up to ten days orally. To treat liver diseases, a very minimal amount of chanca piedra is taken for a month up to 45 days. As for kidney stones, though, the use of chanca piedra is advised daily for almost three months.

Why Take Chanca Piedra?

Chance piedra is generally safe to consume. It is an effective and safe way to treat your issues with a natural herb if you are dealing with inflammation, kidney stones, pain and swelling, loss of appetite, constipation, infections, vaginal discharge, flujaundice, anemia, fluid retention, dizziness, sexually transmitted diseases and various other disorders.

The Bottom Line

Many people tend to live a sedentary lifestyle, which can lead to issues like high blood pressure and obesity. These common issues can cause various mineral deficiencies. These minerals present in the body are excreted by dysfunctional kidneys, which can cause calcified deposits in the form of stones that cause a great deal of inflammation and urinary tract disorders.

Chanca piedra is an herb used to treat (as well as prevent) the formation of these calcified deposits. It can also improve overall digestion, relieve pain and improve the functioning of the liver and kidneys. It not only treats the presence of existing kidney stones, but also prevents them from forming in the future.

Chanca piedra is an effective medicine that has been used throughout history to treat various ailments. It plays a vital role in strengthening the immune system, which keeps all kinds of diseases and attacks at bay.

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