A Vegetarian Diet


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It’s not hard to imagine that someone with Queen Elizabeth’s resources would have any difficulty affording the best anti-aging treatments. Not to mention the best plastic surgery that money could buy. But talk about her vanity was seriously hurting her popularity, not to mention the growing speculation.


After all, the year was 2050, making her 124 years old! Granted, she was gifted in the longevity department. The Queen mother lived until the ripe old age of 101. Additionally, in theory the human lifespan is projected, in the best of circumstances, to be approximately 120 years.


But speculation was reaching a fever pitch, not so much because of her actual age, but because of her incredibly youthful appearance.  She looked, and had the robust health, of a woman in her prime.


Late nights, lavish parties had become the new normal at the palace. On the one hand, the working-class objected to her blatant excess, and on the other, they could not get enough of goings-on of their beloved monarch.


One reporter, Noah Felton, tried every trick in the book to get an audience with Her Majesty. But she seemed to shun such interviews, and security was extremely tight. Noah was anxious to prove his worth to his colleagues. He had drive, youth and energy….a formidable match for any barriers the Queen and her cohorts put before him.


He voraciously poured over every news item, tweet, posting, that had to do with her schedule and activities. He felt that one particular event would grant him the opportunity he wanted.  Her Majesty was holding a ball for all the royals and gentry, a great gala in the style and opulence of her ancestors.


Noah had succeeded in sourcing the caterers for the affair, and had managed to wrestle a position as one of the wait staff for the event! He had such powers of persuasion, he silently congratulated himself!


The night had arrived, and he was in the gardens at Buckingham Palace, serving drinks and hors d’oeuvres to the blue bloods. As soon as he felt no one was observing him, he snuck inside. He managed to play dodge and hide, fortunate that so many of the staff were occupied with the guests. Noah stealthily made his way to the upper chambers at last.  Finally, his eyes rested on a sight that made him catch his breath. The Queen’s private apartments! He walked into the center of the very room in which she probably wrote her letters. Frozen in awe, he could not move.


Suddenly he heard her voice: “Who are you, and what are doing here?” demanded Q. Elizabeth. He spun around and faced her, shocked at her agelessness. Her teeth, so white, so….


Wiping the blood from her lips, Queen Elizabeth smiled and welcomed her guests. “Edward & Bella Cullen, such a pleasure to meet you. You simply must tell me all about your vegetarian diet.”




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