Alissia Mae


Tablo reader up chevron

Chapter 1

Hi I'm alissia Mae I play in the school football team. It is very good to play every Monday,Wednesday,Saturday and Sunday my school is called malton high I'm in year 7 I'm 12 years old . My best friend is called Hannah she is 13 years old and she plays in the netball team she plays against my sister because she is in the netball team aswell she is 14 (in year 9) her name is Chloe and she has a boyfriend called Oliver.he comes for tea every Tuesday he is very annoying and me and my sister share a room. She expects me to sit downstairs when her boyfriend is here. Then I sit downstairs and watch icarly. I played on my phone and played my favourite game piano tiles my high score is 1976 but my sister has 8704 it's not fair I say then I go marching upstairs to tell my sister that she can go and sit downstairs with Oliver and she said "I'm goin the park mum bye" 
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Missing please help !!!

 She took alissia Mae with her and they all played nicely for a change. First they played on the swings. Then they played tag. After that they played hide and seek. Finally the went on the zip wire 

They where walking home and alissia Mae went missing Chloe said "Oliver where is alissia ?" Oliver said "she was with u " 

They got home and said mum mum mum alissia went missing and I need to go to netball so you find her bye. Chloe was glad that she was missing because she could have the room to her self

They still couldn't find her the next day so they went to the photo shop and go some photos and stuck them on lampposts an put "missing girl age 12 brown hair if found call 07435698137

The next day someone called and said "I've found her in the park in the bushes " bring her home we live 108 morfield drive. She came home and said to Chloe " get out my bedroom coz I wanna go to sleep I'm tired I've been in the park for 2 days 

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