Get Up Girl!


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 Get up black girl, don’t you let them see you fall! Get up even though it hurts, God is on your side. Get up queen, it’s time to spread your wings and fly! Don’t let the hardships of life knock you out the fight! Get up! Someone needs to see you ride! Someone needs your words and love, after they’re pain subsides. Yeah I know It hurts, but never forget your why! Keep striving and fighting for you! Continue letting the blind lead the blind! You can’t take it back! Accept it and embrace the fact, that you’re experiencing growing pains and it’s only a matter of time before you bounce back! Scream, cry, kick, and release, but when you’re done remember to get up and restore your peace.  Remember who you are and what you bring! Remember that life is constantly changing but you still have to continue to get in the ring! Yes I know The days are long and nights are longer! I know The pain runs deep and your mind wonders. I know You’re questioning yourself and your worth. I know  You want to know why you had to be hurt . Even in all these things , still get up and dust off the dirt. That pain you’re feeling is fueling your power that will push you into your purpose! So you have to get up, I promise it’s worth it! Don’t let depression, anxiety, or your thoughts settle and make you step out of alignment. These are all tricks of that the enemy have sent to distract you. He wants you to sit here and to not move forward! Baby girl get up! He didn’t deserve you, they didn’t know what they were doing. KEEP GOING! Don’t let them win! God has a lot in store for you! It looks cloudy, you think this is it? Baby GET UP! Take a long look in the mirror, look deep down inside and GET UP! Once you’ve wiped away the tears, forgiven the ones you don’t want to forgive, get up and keep soaring! keep soaring, keep believing, keep trusting, keep praying, keep executing this is not the end! It ain over! They didn’t win! This fight is for you! Get up! Get up queen! It’s time you see who God sees you as. Not man! Welcome to redemption, restoration, and reassurance! We’re glad to have you! Getting up is not easy, but once it’s done the next time you fall you’ll get up with a run! 

Get Up! 
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