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Are you tired of this? Dirty eggs? I'm doing something about it. This has been a good served me well for many years. So this is going by the wayside. I got a better nest box. Now let me correct that is not entirely correct. I got the best nest. So here is my old

nest box in my wife's antique booth. This is one of their booths. That's another booth. So let me show you my best nest box. I love this nesting box. It's dirty. Don't have to get over there. Because it's been out here work like me. Basically the chickens jump up here I've got mine off the ground quite a ways. So I give them a little step stool, they jump up here. This is the ledge from the jump bone. They go in, they lay do their business. You can see the mat. The mat is just a plastic. Kinda almost Astra turfy black man and I do need to come clean mine out. He's supposed to spray it off every now and he's got a little poop on it. But to get access to egg what happens the chickens will lay the eggs here in the nest box. The eggs roll down, roll down this incline and are caught in the in the box. So you raise this up to access the eggs raise it up. fold this down and we got some a now this is more than one day for me but that's a hatter. Good pasla eggs.

Again, they will lay the egg up in here. When I get through laying it does that I haven't had any. I had one. I think bust roll down too hard or somebody get in hitting buttons busted. I would like to come in here maybe put a little piece of stick on weatherstripping there, the chickens can't get to it because this is folded up so that they're not gonna mess with the weather stripping. Give it something to cut some kind of bumper pad basically when it comes down hit bumps. Some of these look like show you on looks like it's busted kind of got a crack in it. But that's just the limits called bloom. It's the slam that's own egg when it comes out of the chicken and as it rolls down it kind of marks the egg like that. There you go. Just kind of marks marks the egg. There's nothing wrong. It's not cracked by any means. So anyway. What are the advantages with this? Well the chicken First of all, she's not going to go broody because there's no egg tennis stone or she shouldn't go broody. Let's put them I haven't had any. Because there's no eggs to nest on. They all roll away. They shouldn't get hacked. I got one chicken that I don't know what she does. She picks it before it rolls down the hill. Every now and then not often but every now and then she'll pick one before it rolls I don't know whether she catches it. She turns around or he had turned her head around on her butt before she fought roll down. I don't know what you're doing but I got one that occasionally we'll pick one or the eggs. Pick her egg I guess. Very little poop on it every now and then you know the girl squeezing kind of hard you know how that is Mama Mama squeezing out of young and ever nanny and you get little poo poo happens sometimes. That's what happened. But very seldom. Most of the poop if there is any stays up in here doesn't come down with a bag. But this is just a really really nice thing. I did put some wood chips shavings to get them to get out up in here because they were a little hesitant at first. First of all, I've typed a couple of these up like here on top for for them to get access and for a few days, and then I put some wood chips on there which it wasn't what I had in the original one. And that helped them to kind of gain access and want to come in. Anyway, they're the eggs. I love the best nest box. get you on I'll have a link below the video for the best nest box. Man, I like it. My life is now complete.

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