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Sunrise or sunset?

Most people will pick sunrise.

Because they say it's a new beginning.

It symbolizes hope.

It's a fresh start.

But if you ask me, I’ll pick the sunset.

I know sunsets can mean sad things like the end or a heart break because for a while that’s what it meant for me.

But then I came to realize that sunsets can be a refuge.  It gives us the night that allows us just to close our eyes and forget about our heart aches, allowing us to leave it to the past so it can become our yesterday.

Sunsets helps us forget.

Sunsets helps us move on.

Sunsets refreshes.

Sunsets rejuvenates.

Sunsets heals.

Just as things happen for a reason, sunsets happen so there could be a sunrise.

All you need to be is patient. Take your sunsets until your sunrise arrives.

I must admit that it took me quite a few sunsets … okay, a lot of sunsets to finally get my sunrise.

But I say it was worth the wait.

Because now, I’m sharing my sunset with you.




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