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 Ever wondered what the world would be like in one hundred years? Or even one thousand? Or what the future holds for you as you got older and how your life would end? I know I did. But if I knew all three warning signs that the world was ending, I would have told everyone I knew and everyone that they knew, to get ready for the final blow, extinction. 

1. Global Warming. First it was suttle but when people started ignoring it, it got way worse.

2.  People Are Ending Up Dead For No Cause. A random person would be living their normal everyday life, and then they would pass out and die the next day.

3. Natural Disasters. Tsunamis, Volcanoes, Earthquakes, and so on, but WAY worse.


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The Plan


"What honey?" 

"Can we go on a trip some time?" I smiled. 

"Maybe. Okay?"  She  looked at me with a kind of expression that your parent would give you when they were trying to keep a surprise hidden from you.

"Alright" In my head, I was really surprised that my mom didn't say no, or make me give up something to do it.

"But if we do, then you have to promise me that you won't ask me for anything until the trip is over. Even your  ice cream eating will have to stop for a couple of weeks." She smiled at me.

"But Mom! I can't give up ice cream!" I looked at her in disbelief, she never made me get rid of ice cream for more than a couple of days, but I will have to deal with it because I knew that we will go on a trip somewhere.

"Your going to have to deal with it if you want to go on a trip." 

"Fine." I rolled my eyes at her.

Our conversation went on for awhile like that with me arguing over completely crazy stuff like ice cream. But I finally gave up trying and went to school. 




School went on so slowly today, it never seemed to end. After one teacher was finished dragging us by our hands trying to get us to learn finished, another teacher swooped and took us again. But I finally can go home. Just need to wait for the last bell to ring and I am home free. 

"UH! Why isn't the stupid bell ringing?" I asked myself.

Once I thought that I said it to myself, the teacher and all my classmates stared at me with a weird expression. The teacher, Mr. Thomas look at me with a strict look and went on. I just realized that I said what I thought I said to myself out loud, for everyone to here my precious, private thoughts. I sat there with my red face trying to come up with an excuse for what I said, until I heard someone counting from five down to one. 



Yes, I'm home free!!!! Finally I can lay back and wait for my mom to cook me dinner and nag at me to finish my homework, and to start and finish my chores. Uh, I hate her when she does this. But I still love my mom.  

"Ms. Hilton?" Mr. Thomas was looking at me for an explanation.

"Yes Mr. Thomas?"

"Have a nice day!" He smiled at me.

"You too!" After that I quickly gathered my stuff and headed out the door, then I turned back and looked back at Mr. Thomas.

"Say Hi to Kristie and Eli for me." Kristie and Eli were his eight year old twins. 

"Okay Claire I will." He looked at me and smiled.


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The Trip

 "Claire! Come down here for a minute and see something." 

That always is a bad sign when my mom says that. It usually ends in her getting all mad at me because I didn't do anything she told me to do in the morning but something felt off today. Like a little bit happier and more joyful. I actually felt pretty good today. 

"What is it?" 

"It's a surprise. Just come down and see it because I know you are going to love it." 

Oh, I hate her surprises. When my mom says she has a " big surprise" and that she thinks that I'm "going to like it", which means that she has either something childish like a toy of some sort, or she just wants me to come downstairs and do some chores for her. 

"Coming." I shouted as I was going down the stairs, thumping down like a huge elephant. When I reached the bottom my mom was in the kitchen. But I stopped in the middle because I saw my mom with a suitcase in her hand.

"Are you leaving me this weekend?" I looked at her confused and a little bit concerned, she never leaves me for more than a couple of hours.

"No, silly! Remember the trip we were talking about yesterday? She looked at me and smiled.

"Yea..." I looked at her a little less confused.

"Well I stayed home and looked at a couple of places that we could go for the weekend, and i found a nice little house on the beach of CALIFORNIA!!" When she said that, we both started jumping up and down and screaming with excitment.

"But we have to leave on a plane in a couple of hours, so get your stuff packed!" She smiled at me as I went back up to my bedroom.

"What do I really need for the trip?" I asked myself.



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Fluffy Clouds

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