Accommodation at University: 5 Lifehacks to Make It Better


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Accommodation at University: 5 Lifehacks to Make It Better


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Now that you have completed your first year at the university, you are searching for accommodation. Worry about where you can stay for the remaining years of your program. This thought is an essential step that deserves a wise decision because it contributes to your academic success in a way or the other. We have suggested five accommodation lifehacks you can follow to do your search for better accommodation. You will find them helpful

1)Save Money 

Perhaps, you may not know that you are going to leave your present room. Plan getting new accommodation at university by saving some amount of money that will meet your expenses. These savings include money for your house rent. Take up some part time job while studying to source for money. Be wise about your spending and save a little percent of your salary.

2)Decide The Part Of The City You Want To Live 

Decide which neighborhood is the best to stay in. You may want to stay in a student house that is very close to your university. If you like to have fun while study, you can stay in an area that has the best bars and club. Thus, if you live in a neighborhood with good local shops and supermarkets, it will reduce the stress of traveling with shopping bags.

3)Hire A Reputable Agency 

Now that you are moving from the university hall of residence, the first you should do is to hire a good regard agency in your city. The agent will search and offer accommodations that fit your standard. Also, he will be the one to resolve any issue that you have with any accommodation of your choice. 

Besides, hiring an agent to make findings on accommodation, you can hire an expert to write a case study on it. You can get online case study help in the UK with rich, well-researched content. Their experts there will get you 100% custom essay at an affordable price. 

4)Check The House Before Renting

After the agent might have suggested some good houses for you. Check out stuff like the kitchen if it is okay and the kind of people your neighbors are. Also, you should maybe the house is conducive for learning and how long it will take you to get to university. 

5)Apply For Grants For Student Accommodation 

In most situations, students' accommodation is too expensive that they cannot afford it. Getting a grant is one of the most effective lifehacks for students in a university. If you cannot afford such accommodation. Then securing a grant will be helpful.


Keep searching for a house early before other students return from their homes. You should also avoid looking for a house before Christmas because the best apartments would have been rented.

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