Cup of x_____


Tablo reader up chevron


It’s time to start the daily grind. 
Inanimate blades with intentional cuts level the faces of the morning. 
Organic redolence emanates from bodied substances,
Awaiting the bubbling handiwork of blistering tides. 
Pyretic waters send equilibrating waves,
Daring diffused keys to unlock potential inside.
Thermal coats prepare insulated bodies
For the first taste of air -- a well-made Joe.

[beginning of coffee-making / beginning of day]
[shaving / grinding beans]
 [scent of coffee / odor of person]
 [heating water for coffee / heating water for shower]
 [pouring of hot water onto coffee / entering shower]
[steeping of coffee / shower duration]
 [cupping of coffee / dressing of person]
 [drink from cup / person out the door]

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