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As I tried to open my eyes, a thick layer of crust clamped them shut. Dazed and unaware of my surroundings I stood up. The shoes that the great elders had given me were gone, the frozen dirt was rough underneath my feet. I tried to walk forward but a cold hard chain was holding me back, my hands and feet were chained up! Were am I? Why am I here? What happened? I thought. I opened my mouth to cry for help, but no noise came out. I was unable to speak.

A cold soft breeze entered the room, followed by a a loud clamping noise. “well, well, well a wood elf. My Orcs have told me that your a tricky one, well we'll change that, wont we?” said a deep, grungy voice. “take him” whispered the same voice. A soft growl in response followed. As cold, rough hands grabbed me I tried to fight back, kicking and spew air out of my mouth that was meant to be a scream the Orcs took me away.

I was thrown ontop of a hard iron table, as leather straps pinned me down. Then a red beam of light shown over my eyes, and I could slowly start to open my eyes. Immediately after my eyes opened, I tried to see exactly what was going on. I saw around me a solid stone room, with no light except for the strange red light. There was no door, I was completely alone.

As thoughts were racing through my mind, I couldn't stop my self from crying. Then thoughts that were not mine started to surface. Words, phrases, runes what ever they were, they were not of my tongue. As these words started to force their way out of my mouth, the leather straps caught on fire.

What is this? Whats going on?... this is Elingue and now I control your mind. Confused and bewildered, I tried for my escape. “ehhh not so fast girly” said a short Orc. The Orc had dark green like skin, it was rough and dry, he had pure black eyes, and a smell that made my nose crinkle. As the Orc dragged me back to the iron table, I could slowly feel my self gain the ability to talk again. “let go, let go, HELP! ANYONE HELP” the Orc re-strapped me down and then the pain came. Through out the inside of the mountain, that these Orcs beside, all that anyone could hear were the screams of pain coming from the little wood elf.

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Davies Anderson

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Chapter 1

After the Agarwaen abducted me it seems like i faded away. I have no recognition of the previous day, all i can remember is that day in the wood. Some of the Seers, my classmates, and I went to fetch some leaves from the Enmonic Tree. The Seers were teaching us why gathering these leaves every year is so important. After they let everyone in my class including me go to walk around and examine the tree on our own, I was bursting with excitement. The tree looked like a spruce tree but had the characteristics of a willow. the leaves hung low enough to make it seem like a house. This place would be so peaceful if it didn't have all these other elf's talking around it I thought if only i could come here alone. After everyone had enough of the tree we started back home. on the long horse ride back to the city i was thinking about all sorts of things, on how if we didn't harvest the leaves from that tree, and planted them in the center of our towns, then our crops would welt, and our trees would wither away, and soon enough we would wither with it. Once we made it back to the city, everyone dispersed and went to there homes, everyone except me. The minute after everyone was gone i quickly rode over to the fountains, and filled my water skin up with some of the cites water. Then I went to my home, and as quietly as i could snuck some bread from the kitchen. Then i was back on my horse riding towards the Enmonic Tree. Once I arrived I dismounted, and tied my horse to a near by branch. I then went and sat at the stump of the tree, and slowly drifted off to sleep.


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Chapter 2

When I awoke, my eyes were all crusted, and wouldn’t open. My shirt was missing, and all I could hear was someone or something splashing in the mud, and a slight whisper of conversation that seemed to be coming from far away. I started to feel around, the ground was cold on my back, and felt like metal. I carefully started to chip away the crust on my eyes. My heart was pounding, what will I see when I open my eyes I thought are they raiders? No that cant be why would raiders take me with them? Who ever they are I don’t want to stick around to find out what they want with me. Eventually my eyes were able to open, as they slowly open my heart skipped a beat, or several. I was in the center of a orc camp. orcs my mother told me about them, they are nasty, cruel, creatures who live underground and eat anything that moves. My mother told me orcs are elves, or used to be. They are elves that left the city and kept to living in the mountains eating what ever they could get. There minds slowly turned sour and with it there appearance changed for the worst. “eh whats this? Well look what we got fellas its a live one ain’t it” one of the orcs said “is that right? Well I know just what to do with her then” the orcs all slowly started to walk towards me, and with them there smell “I thinks its a man fellas” “not after we get through with it” the orcs started to laugh, what will they do to me? I have to escape the moment I get a chance. Once my heart started to settle a little bit, and I slowly was able to stop my self from shaking, I observed the cage I was in. The floor had parts of it that were red and sticky, the cage smelt of mold and rot, and the bars had a weird oily residue on them. After examining the bars further I discovered that they are far enough apart for me to tightly squeeze through them. With that piece of information I was able to stay calm the rest of that day.

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