Queen's Engineer


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     I wasn’t always this way, you know. Before you , you see a ragged, broken down, husk of a man, laboring his way for a measly living in these desolate salt mines of Ice Island. Yes, this place is unoriginally called Ice Island, probably because it is so far from reality and civilization they did not even bother to think it a more proper or respectable name than Ice - bloody- Island. You would not be able to tell from where we are standing, since the geothermal harnessers make sure we are all warm and snug deep underground. But on the surface, and yes, there is a surface, temperatures are frigid way below 50 degrees centigrade. Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, about me. I was amongst the world’s most powerful figures. A ‘grandieur’ if you will. What is a  grandieur you ask? No...no, I guess it would be highly presumptuous of me to expect much from your vocabulary. A grandieur is someone who serves directly under her majesty, the queen. It is a position of honor, respected and feared by even  the greatest leaders of the civilized world. What makes them so special, you ask? It is because of something they’ve accomplished. Something that everyone needs that only they could provide. I was such a man. I went by a different name then. Dwindain Calafus, I was called, maybe you’ve heard of me? No...no, I suppose you would not. Nevertheless, there I was, suckling on the bountiful breasts of the known world until I was falsely charged of a crime. Those envious rats and snakes at the parliament...those greedy pigs in wigs and ruffles wanted what was mine! They wanted what was mine from the very beginning. But I would not let them have it. No. It is too beautiful and perfect to fall into the hands of such slathering filth. And so I hid it. I took it to the one place those ingrates would never find it. And one day, one day I will show them the errors of their ways. When the time is right I will  make them regret everything they’ve done to me. I am going to make them pay for forcing me into this lowly existence of skulking and hiding. They will pay dearly, for it is coming you know. I can feel it. I have sown some seeds before departing and I can sense they have now borne fruits. The time of opportunity is quickly drawing near. A big change, a massive upheaval is rumbling the foundations of the world. At long last, war will be upon us.

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