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Wherever you go, there will always be different kinds of business establishments around you, and these establishments play music to have a better ambience. When I was a kid, I always dreamed of having my own business. I have always been a music lover, and I always find time to listen to music and even play the guitar if I am not too busy. Now that I have reached this stage of my life, I can say that I was able to make my dream come true. I am now a proud owner of a coffee shop in our area and its success is achieved not just by the great taste of our coffee but also because of the talented musicians that perform every night.

When I started to have my own business a few years ago, I did not know how to start. It was also difficult to decide what kind of business I will invest on. It is pretty scary to use your hard-earned money in a start-up business. But I hold on with my determination, and I worked hard to make it work. The reason why I chose to have a coffee shop is that I love to go to one when I was still a regular employee. Then, I incorporated my love for music, so I made sure that my coffee shop will have musicians to entertain customers. It was a hit so let me share with you some tips on how you can have your shop that will be a success in the future.

Focus on your coffee shop first

Make sure to have a complete business plan and model first. It is important to do some research on everything so you can learn before actually spending all your money. It is a must to have the best location where your target customers will be able to visit your coffee shop conveniently. Once you have the nicest location, you can have, make a deal with the architect for the design and have engineers to start the construction. Compare prices of materials so you can purchase everything at a much lower price. While your shop is still under construction, you can already canvass tools and equipment for your coffee shops like the coffee maker and the coffee machines. You should also check the best coffees available and decide where you will regularly order your supplies. Find more information about best carafe on this website.

Check new artists/musicians online

It is not difficult to find new artists nowadays because of the use of social media. You will be able to hear the music of many talented people on YouTube. All you have to do is to choose the one that will fit your coffee shop theme and the one that is located in your area. Once you have chosen the new musical artist that will perform at your shop, it is time to focus on your marketing strategy. 

Advertise your opening date and the mini-concert of your new artist

To make your event a success, choosing the best date is very important. Your opening date must be on a weekend so more people can attend. You should have some flyers and posters distributed all over your area. You must also create a social media account and create teasers and advertise the event. 

You should promote the artist by sharing some videos of their performance to make customers more interested. For your coffee shop, you should give promotions and discounts on the opening date to attract more customers. Once you have followed my tips, I am sure you will have a successful event. Your coffee shop will be popular same as the new artist playing at your shop.

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