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    On the first day of my junior year, my homeroom teacher gave us a form we'd never seen before. It asked for our basic information: name, age, grade, address, phone number. Everything that's usually asked of us on the first day of school. But the 'normal questions' stopped there. We were then asked for our height, weight, muscle mass, blood type and more. It asked for an extensive medical history, both physical and mental. The questions were weird; we had to list any events where something odd occurred on accident and if we'd had any sudden changes in strength, intelligence, flexibility, or other traits. No one understood, the point of the questions, but our teacher explained that it's necessary. She told us that every high school student in the country had to do this, even those who are home schooled. This form will decide whether or not we move on to testing. She wouldn't tell us what this was all for.

    Two months passed, and we received the results. I moved on, and began testing. For the rest of the year, I'd take a test every month as the amount of candidates dwindled down. Nobody knew what this was for, and it became national news. By Jun, I was the only student left testing in my school. After months of grueling physical tests and mind-blowing academic tests, I received a letter.

“Cameron Hughes:

You have moved into the final round of testing for the Prodigy Syndicate. You, along with nine other potential prodigies, will need to be at the Eagle Airport. There, you will be picked up by a representative. He will be holding a sign that reads 'Prodigy Syndicate Students'. If you are under the age of eighteen, you must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Your plane ticket should be included in the envelope, along with our organization's contact information. We will be seeing you soon.

Director H. Jones”

    The date on the plane ticket was one week from now, and is scheduled to land at 9 A.M. I'd never heard of the Prodigy Syndicate. I knew that a prodigy was someone smart and excellent. I knew I was nowhere near smart and excellent.

    The representative sent to pick us up was a very large man who seemed too big for his clothes. He was accompanied by a very small woman,who I assumed was also a representative of the syndicate. I was the last person to show up, and could feel everyone's eyes burning into me as I joined the group. The man and woman led us outside to two vans and we split into two groups. As we all piled into the vans, I really noticed differences between myself and the other candidates. They all seemed better than me in someway, either taller or stronger. Probably smarter. I couldn't think about that though. We all passed the tests. We all deserved to be here.


    After two hours in the van, we arrived at what looked like a college campus. We drove past a large brick building and towards a gate. I could see more brick buildings as we drove down a path after the gate was opened. There were four buildings, built to form a square. I couldn't see what was in the middle of them, but I assumed it was some kind of courtyard. I saw we were heading towards a much smaller building, placed much farther back than the others.

    After driving for a few more minutes, we stopped in front of a building. I saw a girl, around my age, stand outside the vans. Once we got out, she led us inside the building with a taller man who introduced himself as Director Henry Jones. The girl didn't say anything.

    I could tell that this building was some kind of science lab once we walked in. It had equipment I'd seen in my science classes. I could see an elevator in the back that must only go down. The building looked like it was only had one floor above ground.

    “These two rooms are changing rooms. You will find clothes suitable for your testing inside.” Director Jones finally spoke with a deep voice. The group produced a collective groan at the thought of even more tests. We still did as we were told and separated to go change.

    We spent the rest of the day doing tests. Just like in school, most were physical and mental. Now though, they also took blood and skin samples. I noticed the girl kept looking at me, and sometimes pointing me out to the various scientists that would come view our testing.

    We were given rooms at a nearby hotel, and told that the vans would be back to get us in the morning to bring us back. Then they'd tell us who's been chosen. We still didn't know what we were being chosen for.

    When we arrived at the lab the next morning, they didn't make us change. Director Jones lined us up outside, behind the lab. Director Jones and the girl stood in front of us and talked quietly. I was finally able to get a good look at her. She had very short brown hair and was very pale. She didn't look too tall or short and seemed fit. I could see she had bright, green eyes when she looked at me.

    They began to walk down the line, stopping occasionally in front of a kid. They’d talk loud enough for the three to hear and move on . I was last in line. they skipped six of the kids, and finally stopped in front of me.

    “This is the one you seemed interested initially. I, however, feel as though another candidate would be better.” Director Jones remarked to the girl. I understood why some of the others made offended faces when they stopped.

    “I still prefer him over the rest. he is the kind of person I originally envisioned for this.” the girl said, defending me. This was the first time I really heard her voice. It sounded like it’s normally be sweet, but was angry and professional today.

    “But he’s not as strong or smart as the others. they would excel in the program much more than him.” Director Jones was speaking again, and I wondered if this was some kind of test. Were they trying to see what kind of reaction they’d get from talking like this? I was trying to not show any emotion, but I couldn't be sure if I did on accident.

    “That’s the point, Jones. I want someone simple. someone I can change.” They walked away after that, and talked more privately. This was becoming even more confusing. What was going to change if I was chosen? would it be physical or mental? something worse? Director Jones interrupted me from my thoughts.

    “We've made our decision. Cameron Hughes, please come with us. The rest of you follow Thomas back to the vans. he will give you each plane tickets home.” I was shocked. My mother came up behind me as i walked toward Director Jones. The others followed the large man, looking at me angrily. I entered the lab with my mother. The girl turned to me.

    “My name is Mollie Nichols. I’m a student here. A prodigy. You’ll be one too, if you agree to help us. We need you for an experiment of mine.”

    “Why did it take that much testing to decide if I’m smart enough to be a prodigy.”

    “Not that kind of prodigy, Cameron. That’s just a word we use to describe ourselves to those who don’t understand.”

    “So, what are you then?”

    “We’re - mutants. It’s hard to explain, but you can know more if you ehllp us.”

    “I guess I’ll help you then.”

    “Welcome to the Prodigy Syndicate, Cameron.”

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