Minecraft Server


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Starting A Minecraft Server? Here Are Some Things You Might Have Been Ignoring

As a Minecraft enthusiast, you must have been thinking of opening your server for better privileges and ease of access. However, did you know that having a Minecraft server can pull millions of dollars per annum? Although managing a server seems like a less aggressive but effective way of earning some bucks, it can be daunting to do in reality.

You would not want to run a Minecraft server with no prior knowledge about it. It will only lead to a chaotic community, profit loss, and eventually, unusable server. Before starting anything, here's a guide that can make your instigating journey as a Minecraft server owner more convenient than ever.

Always Prioritize Foundation

Before purchasing anything, sit back, relax, and clear your mind first. You might have been diving into technicalities like how to op yourself first in a server, making you forgot to assess what type of community or environment you want to create. Here are the most commonly used game modes that you may pique your interest:

  • Creative
  • Minigames
  • Survival
  • Prison
  • Skyblock

If you want more than these main game modes, you can try playing on other servers to attain some experience on various server types. Further, you should always carefully choose what Minecraft version you will apply to your server. Although it is a matter of your preferences, remember that your goal is to gain more players to earn more. The more updated your version is, the more players you will acquire.

Choosing Features to Customize

Your game modes will become utterly useless and dysfunctional without good plugins. It can significantly improve the gameplay with its additional upgraded features for a convenient and better gaming experience. But first, you must assess what type of API (Paper, GriefPrevention, Spigot, etc.) you will use before installing plugins. An API will ensure better plugins' functionality. If you had difficulties determining the most suitable plugins for your server, try to seek premade setups on "mc-market" to skip server configuration.

Just Enjoy the Game and Have Fun

Aside from keeping up with the technicalities of the game, don't forget to enjoy it and have some fun. The essence of playing Minecraft is to improve the players' problem-solving and analytical skills. Whether your goal is to build a world or accomplished a mission, it is still essential to consider this game as a journey of adventure and enjoyment.

You can quickly master all the codes and commands as long as you are dedicated throughout your game. There are a lot of online games out there, but Minecraft is one of a kind and unique in its own way for many reasons. Moreover, Minecraft is not just a virtual game; it is educational too. This is likewise one of the principal reasons why kids are allowed to play in this game; it boosts their resourcefulness and creativity skills. It also enhances their discovery in geometry as well as collaborating with other co-players, which results in teamwork. Indeed, Minecraft is a virtual game that is both exceptional and educational.

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