Welcome to a Cruel World


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This is a working in progress at the moment- dont really know what Im going to do with this story. Also its been a while since I wrote actual sentences so be easy on me!

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Chapter 1

"Lala wake up!" A voice shouted.

The voice of my older brother. I open my eyes and my guess was correct. He stood there with his arms crossed over his chest and his calm yet angry green eyes glaring down at me.

"What?" I yawned, "Is it time to go?"

"You missed out on your lesson. I was watching you the whole time snoozing away!" He told me. Is that so? Have I been asleep for that long? I glanced out the window that was beside me. The college campus was nearing to be empty and I chuckled.

"You know..." His arms slid down from his chest and to his side, "You have to pay attention to your classes Lala."

"God you're such a pain in the ass!" I shouted, snatching my backpack up from beside me.

"Listen! This isn't high school where you can goof off! You have to actually-" He shouted.

"I hear you!" I interjected,  "I'll try to care a little bit more often!" I rose up off my chair. I pushed my way past him and strolled down the stairs.

"You know...Mickey would want me to-" He was about to say.

"Shut up!" I screamed, clutching on the strap of my backpack. I could feel the anger fuel inside me, causing my heart to race.

"Shut the fuck up...You don't have to right to say anything because all you've ever done is push me onto other people!" The title wave of emotions tugged at the corner of my eyes. I was ready to break down crying, right there in front of him. I remember getting a knock one summer day. It was some of Mickey's friends. They held painful looks on their faces as their lips spread the news to me. Mickey had died in a car accident along with his parents.

I remember my heart, hardening like a shell and my mind becoming numb. I always thought it was pitiful to cry over someone instead of rejoicing about the time you've spent with them. I tried to do that, but when I looked around, I remembered there was no one else. Mickey was my only friend that I had made.

"Lala I-" My brothers words crashed into my thoughts. I held in the tears and clenched my teeth together.

"I hate you." I shook my head. I rushed down the stairs and out of the classroom as quick as possible. Snatching open the door but suddenly, I crashed into someone. "Ow!" I cried out in pain.

"Hey." A voice said. When I looked up, I realized I was heavily being glared at by a man with blonde hair. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" he shouted at me, "Aren't you going to apologize!?"

"I..." I was about to stutter out an I'm sorry but accidentally- in a clear voice said, "No."

"What the fuck did you just say?" He asked, turning his body to face mind. "How the hell can you ask for an apology like that!? What are you fucking stupid or something?! Got shit as a mind?!" I shoved his body out the way and stormed away. As I marched away in fury, something about that person felt...unusual but familiar. What could it be?

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