My Teddy Bear


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My first teddy bear

 Daddy got me a black teddy bear. It was so furry and black. I love it! I love it so much! Oh hey my name is bubba... and this is my first teddy bear. So I take my teddy bear everywhere even in the car. I take it to my daddy's work. I sleep with it and everything. I won't! Wont let daddy wash it! No not ever! I love my teddy bear! I think I'll give him a name, I shall name him yorkie. Yorkie is always gonna me mine! 

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wash day

 I toke yorkie with me to the washing room and accidentally but him in the washing machine. I'm so upset. I cried until he got out of there. I told him I was sorry,but he didn't talk back. I think he's mad at me or something.  Well I got him and now it's bed time. Yorkie says goodnight and so do I. 

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