Alison and Catherine (working title)


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Chapter 1:


“It’s almost time to go babe,” Sid said over his shoulder as he tossed his clothes into the suitcase.

“Sure, I just gotta say a couple of goodbyes,” answered Alison. She checked her reflection in the mirror before heading out the door.

Randy and Jo were crossing the hall as she came out, “Have a great time you guys. See you in a few weeks!” Alison called out walking off in the opposite direction. “I hope not!” she thought.

She ducked around the corner to get away from any other passers-by. In her heart she knew she only wanted to see one person. Aunt Catherine must be in the library about now.

Alison reached the library without running into anybody else. She knocked briefly before opening the door. Had she said “come in”? Alison wasn’t sure but she couldn’t have waited either. The room was empty. Calling it a room was an understatement. It was more than double the size of the master bedroom – a room Alison should not have seen the inside of. The fire was burning low; it needed fuel. It was hungry. Just as Alison. She cleared her throat.

It took a few moments and then she heard the clank of those heels on the marble floors just a moment before she saw her appear in front of her. Aunt Catherine. Straight backed, head held high, a slow almost panther-like gait. Her features weren’t what you would call classic but they were sharp. A short nose accentuated by luscious lips that were always covered in dark lipstick.

“Hello darling. What are you doing here?”

“I just came to say goodbye. We leave soon and won’t be back,” her gaze dropped, “until, you know, the wedding,” Alison finished with an almost whisper.

“Ah, the wedding; you must be excited,” Catherine replied with no hint of warmth.

Alison didn’t respond but looked up into those deep blue eyes that had seen so much of the world, of her. “Goodbye Catherine,” she said softly before stepping forward and standing on her toes to kiss her on the cheek. She couldn’t resist. She moved her head to the left and caught Catherine’s lips with her own. For a moment she held on, waiting to be pushed away but when no resistance came, she dug in and deepened the kiss. Every part of her tingled as she felt her own tongue scrape against Catherine’s soft and warm one. She pulled away, bent her head and murmured “bye” as she hastily turned away. “Goodbye love,” she heard Catherine whisper as she reached the door.

Alison would be back here in less than four weeks to get married to Sid, Catherine’s only nephew.


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Chapter 2:

The first look

It looked like a mini-castle, only not old. A modern castle with glistening exteriors that reminded of a chic art gallery.

“OK, wow! Is this for real?” Alison exclaimed.

“I told you she’s rich Al. And she has taste. Quite a rare combination if you ask me.” Sid said calmly as he pulled into the driveway.

Alison could see a few cars already parked along the side. As soon as they stopped, a valet stepped forward to open her door. “Are you kidding? Could this be any more Hollywood?” she whispered as the door was held open. The valet only smiled and said “Welcome, Miss”.

Sid and Alison walked up the stairs to the main door. She could hear voices coming from somewhere inside as they entered the house.

Sid led them towards the sound. “Here they are!” someone shouted. Sid held out his arms as a young girl practically ran into him. “Hey pumpkin!” he said with pure joy in his voice.

More people moved towards them as Alison looked on. She caught a glimpse of someone in the background before they were blocked out by the oncoming figures of two large men. Alison craned her neck to peek behind them but was suddenly pulled into a tight hug. It was the girl. “I’ve been dying to meet you!”

Alison smiled at her, “you must be Abby,” she was fairly certain. “You recognised me?” Abby said look up at Alison. “Of course! Sid never stops talking about her adorable little sister! Now I know why,” Alison’s smile was genuine this time.

More introductions followed as Alison tried her best to remember all the names that she was introduced to, the faces were even harder. It had been a long drive after all, following on from a few very hectic days.

One moment she was smiling benignly at another face she wouldn’t be able to recall the next day, the next moment she was staring into the deepest blue eyes she had ever seen. “Welcome darling,” a velvety voice said to her as the eyes looked right through her.

“Al, meet Aunt Catherine, she owns this little place,” Sid chuckled like he was recalling an old joke. “Aunt Catherine, this is my fiancée, Alison.”

“Welcome to my home, Alison,” said the velvety voice as a hand grasped Alison’s already outstretched hand. She had no idea when her own hand had reached out towards the older woman. Unsure of what was happening to her, Alison struggled to speak as the blue eyes looked deeper inside her.

“Don’t worry babe, you are not the first one to be left speechless by Aunt Catherine,” Sid’s voice came from somewhere afar. “Aunty, can you stop scaring the girls I bring home please?” he implored stepping between them and breaking the hold.

“You should find girls with more grit then, sonny,” Catherine said with a trace of humour in her voice as she looked lovingly at Sid. “Although, I think you can probably stop looking now,” she finished looking over at Alison who was still silent.

The tall figure turned and walked away while Alison was still trying to muster up some words, any words.

“I think she might actually like you, Al. That would be a first for any of my girlfriends,” Sid winked at her.

Alison blinked a couple of times as she regained her composure, “I’m not really sure if this is about you Sid.”


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Chapter 3:

The lunch

Catherine pulled the car into one of the many parking spots. "Parking is hard in this town," she said. Alison couldn't help but laugh out loud. She quickly checked herself before daring a glance at Catherine, who simply smiled back before opening her door and stepping out. "Did she just joke?" Alison wondered as she let herself out of the car.

They walked into the small but chic cafe. Catherine gestured towards the table at the far corner. Alison set off towards it thinking how apt the table seemed being set apart from everyone yet giving the feeling of not being cornered. It commanded a spot of its own, away from the regular. Yet it was approachable.

"You intrigue me," she blurted out as they sat down.

"How so?" asked Catherine.

Alison hesitated. She had started this without knowing how to continue. She hadn't meant to say that aloud. "I guess it's just that I didn't expect you to take me to a regular cafe."

"Have I disappointed you?"

"No! No, that's not what I meant. I didn't finish my thought really. What I meant was that I didn't expect you being in a regular cafe, but then it made sense somewhat for it to also have a place so unique within it that makes it anything but a regular cafe." Alison hesitated, "I'm making no sense, sorry Cathe... I mean, Aunt Catherine."

"You can call me Catherine."


"I like kitsch just as much as the next person. But you could say I like kitsch that still stands out. It's a paradox," Catherine said as she held Alison's eyes and then let out a smile.

"Well that's new! I've never been compared to kitsch before," Alison ventured laughingly.

"The kind that stands out. Don't be too hard on yourself sweetheart," Catherine's eyes sparkled almost mischievously. She nodded towards the waitress who seemed to be standing at a respectable distance awaiting summons. "Only you can make a cafe seem like a palatial dining hall," Alison thought.

They placed their orders with the obviously nervous waitress. Alison wondered if she was nervous because she had just started working or if it had something to do with the patron seated opposite her. "At least I'm not the only nervous wreck making a fool of myself."

“I hear you teach music. Do you like it?”

The question took Alison by surprise. She had not given any thought to how she was being discussed all this while. She’d just been trying to keep her head above the extended family get-together that she had been subjected to. Not to mention, losing all sense of being when in someone’s presence. The fact that very someone had taken the time to learn about her was so pleasurable, bordering on arousal.

“I do yes. I do” she managed to get out. “You bloody idiot! You sound like a dumb piece of shit!” she admonished herself. “Actually, if I were to be honest, I would have been more satisfied if I could write my own music but this pays the bills,” she said trying to act calm.

“That is important too. If you could write your own, what is your style?” Catherine asked. ”Forgive me if I’m prying; you don’t need to answer,” she added.

“No that’s fine. It’s nice of you to take an interest,” Alison said as her hand unwittingly reached out and grazed Catherine’s fingertips. She jerked her hand back hoping that somehow Catherine hadn’t noticed. Catherine sat back and held Alison’s gaze.


“What kind of ballads? Happy, melancholic, tragic?”


Catherine breathed in ever so slightly, “Interesting. Now, I must say Alison, you intrigue me.” They held the others gaze so long it seemed like an eternity. The spell was broken by a nervously loud, “Haloumi and rocket salad?”

Catherine looked up at the waitress and nodded. They ate in silence for a few minutes.

“Are you looking forward to your wedding?” Catherine put her fork down and dabbed her dark lips with the napkin.

Alison stole a few moments chewing slowly on her next bite, “Yes.”


The silence resumed as they both concentrated on their meals.


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