Why Your Wishes Can Be Made by Writing Down?


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Make your life with writing

That's one thing with our ideas, wishes, plans. They are quick - and discarded just as quickly. Getting them out of your head and banishing them on paper can help to make them feasible and realizable. Read why. In my course "Write the story of your life", I let my participants paint a picture of their future. It should inspire them and serve them as a beacon on the long journey to the finish. Or more precisely: I let them describe this picture in detail with words and stories. One participant commented that this vision of the future, when viewed on paper, even looks as if it were feasible.

Exactly, that is the purpose of writing something down. It suddenly becomes feasible. What else can go wild in our minds, crashing on in-house blockades, not being taken seriously, being rashly rejected, or drowning in the labors of everyday life becomes possible through writing.

Why it is like that?

1. His thoughts and self-perceive

Many of us are deliberately stunned with new distractions and distractions so as not to hear ourselves and perhaps question ourselves. But you do not have to go that far: The hamster wheel of everyday life is enough to prevent us from thinking successfully. Then perhaps it is enough for routine actions, but nothing more. If you want to do something, implement or achieve something that goes beyond routine, you must first deal with yourself. So, what you want, how you see something and what should be feasible.

Writing helps you with this self-awareness and self-awareness. Writing reveals your feelings, thoughts and perceptions.

2. Shake off the self-control and push to the core

Often we think but very controlled. So much have we internalized what we want or how we have to give ourselves so that we are accepted by the others. Sometimes this "that's just what you do" is in line with our wishes, but often not. If you want to leave the routine, you have to dare to think the unthinkable. Writing, and above all creative writing, will help you. It lets you shake off your normal self-control and the inner censor.

What you might otherwise only dream of can expose the creative writing with Quizlet Live and make it clear. His strength is the access to your unconscious and thus to the very core of yourself.

3. Arrange and structure the thoughts and plans

But with thoughts and feelings it is not done. If something is to be done, you should also bring it into a workable form. Writing helps you with that. Because writing is thinking on paper. As you write down your thoughts, you can more easily organize and structure them, giving them meaning. What was previously unclear and existed only as a vague scheme finally becomes tangible.

4. Discover possible obstacles and blockages

But also obstacles and blockages become tangible. Above all autobiographical writing helps here. For example, does your idea of ​​starting a practice as an alternative practitioner or flying to India alone seem completely illogical? Then research in your past to clarify why.

Because a large part of our behavior can be explained directly from our prehistory. The way we grow up, the values ​​with and to which we are educated, the experiences we make in the course of life - everything has an impact on our ways of thinking and acting.

Uncover such connections and you are a little closer to making your ideas, wishes and plans "feasible".

5. Search systematically for solutions

Okay, so you have dealt with your thoughts, wishes and ideas and tried to structure them. In order for them to become feasible, that is to say, they will usually also need ideas as to how this implementation might look.

Writing for such possibilities and solutions is much more promising than just thinking about it. As I said, our head likes to jump back and forth between thoughts, it rejects or slows down with a "oh, now let off the nonsense".

In writing, it is much easier to stay on the ball and systematically play through various solutions. Many thinking and creative techniques work according to this principle.

6. Make a commitment with yourself

And finally, writing is acting. As you write, anticipate the act in thought. They show your brain a solution that can be integrated. There's nothing like "oh, nonsense". There is suddenly a feasible, viable way.

In addition, you enter into a commitment with yourself, so to speak. Ideas that you have vague in mind are quickly discarded and you are fine. On paper, things look very different.

A paper (or a file, the material does not matter) has substance, the words literally take shape. You have declared your will with these words. Killing you now is much harder than killing the vague schemes in your head. The results you produce are so much closer to implementation.

7. To be remembered and not lose sight of

And in order not to become too "metaphysical", I want to conclude in a very practical way. Of course, when you write something down, you can not forget it quickly and lose sight of it.

This applies to to-do lists that include your steps to implement it, as well as the above-mentioned futures, which you can stick to the refrigerator, for example.

Both will remind you again and again of your intention - and make this feasible. In this sense: Write it down.


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