By Kathryn Ann Kehoe (McGarry)
I dedicate this book to my two sons Leon and Conran and my dear mother and father.
It is fictitious and relates to nobody or nothing in particular. Enjoy!
Before I begin I will add a few quotes and phrases which I believe will help you understand how I roll.
Success is in your hands; don’t let it slip through your fingers
A mother must prove consistent in a world of never-ending chaos whilst others choose different masks.
A key to happiness is to expect less and give more
Believe in yourself, your hopes, and your dreams and don’t listen to one doubting Thomas.
Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.

I have discovered the secret to happiness. It took a few years. Happiness is a state of mind which you must not veer from and which you can create. Happiness can be established as a default setting. As we experience happiness more and more it will improve and improve as will your life and the life of those around you. This is because you are vibrating on a higher level and those vibrations will connect with your contacts and indeed all things including mother earth and things will just get better and better.
“Yes”, I hear you say. “I get it but when you are trying to achieve this state of mind what about outside negative influences?". FORGET THEM AND BLOCK THEM!You are a body and a single entity and allowing others to penetrate your purpose is ludicrous. Deal only with your own ‘crap’. It's their circus, not your monkeys. Please go ahead and empathise with others but do not take on board their stress and problems for if you do my friend, your happiness will become tainted like oil in a puddle. I will go into this in more detail in a subsequent paragraph. Not to mention that you will actually disable them to take corrective and responsible actions for themselves and find a solution to their own stress, responsibilities, and problems.
Just to let you know that I am great at giving advice. Let’s say I'm a bit like a painter and decorator who can do a job of envy to the world whilst his own kitchen looks like a grease palace.
However. I know my advice is true and each day, as I become my own student and absorb the knowledge, I become stronger and stronger.
In this book, I will teach you how to deal with every event in your life that involves emotions. By the end of the book, you will face life full on and embrace every obstacle with the knowledge that you will overcome it, get stronger each day and enjoy the happiness that you so deserve.
Kathryn Ann Kehoe
Emotions, or, as I like to describe them the feeling, I feel, when faced with a negative type of emotion or a negative person, ‘A roller coaster ride from hell’.
It is very important to be able to control your emotions, not only for your own good but for the good of everyone else that you can affect by your lack of control.
Your own emotional state has a knock-on effect on everyone you come into contact with, whether it is by telephone, text, a comment on a social network site, face to face with someone you know or a stranger in a department store.
You send a particular vibration to everyone you communicate with. So make sure that your vibration is a positive one!
Begin each day by thanking the Universe for all the wonderful things you have in your life. Repeat 'Thank you’ at least three times each morning you wake up. Gratitude in one of the most significant entities that can bring you joy and attract more joy into your life.
Say 'Good morning' to everyone you meet and give them a big smile. You have no idea what a difference it can make to someone's day.