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 It happened not long ago, when I was 13. I had this.... Dream. Everything was black, my vision faltered for a second. When my eyes were on my side again, I saw her. Some may say she was beautiful. She had long raven hair, and was wearing a scarlet dress. As she grew closer, I found that she was not beautiful. The look in her eyes was wild and full of chaos. She smiled a big, creepy smile with rows of sharp, jagged teeth. Hundreds of children appeared behind her, their eyes glowing a bright Crimson. "Come to me, join my children." She said. That's when I woke up. 

Me and my mom had just moved to a little house near the woods. Since I couldn't sleep after that dream, I went to explore the woods. There were trees everywhere; most of them were a meter thick and 20 meters high. After about an hour, I came to a boy. He was sitting in a small clearing with a jack-in-the-box, singing along as he cranked the handle. Right before it was about to pop up, the boy looked at me. He would've been cute, had he not had red eyes. He cranked one last time and it popped out. It was a clown, but not the funny type that were usually in those things, this thing was terrifying. It had sharp jagged teeth, with blood running out of its mouth, and eyes that literally followed your every move. I ran up and shut the lid, that...thing wasn't getting out while I was there! I looked around me, only to find the boy dead in the grass, blood pouring out of his mouth. "It's too late," the voice belonged to the woman. "He's dead, and there nothing you can do." It sounded like she had two voices because when she talked, there was the voice of a woman, but at the same time, the voice of a demon. "What do you want from me?!?" I cried, "why are you doing this to me?" "My dear, you cannot change what is fate, and yours, well let's just say, doesn't end well." I ran, I ran as fast as I could, I ran right into an abandoned orphanage. I walked inside, hoping to find cover, to possibly hide from this mysterious woman. I walked right into a classroom, blood was dripping from the ceiling, so I looked up, there was the boy. I ran out as fast as I could, but the voice still haunted me, "why didn't you save me? Did I deserve to die? I'm sorry miss. Can you please help me? I don't wanna die!" "No!" I cried, I sat down and put my head between my knees, "it's not real, it's not real, I'm sorry please, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." I cried. I wiped my tears, and got up, my legs were jello, and my eyes were blurry from crying. I had to get out. The doors were locked, but i decided to take my chance with the window. I jumped through the window and lay sprawled on the ground. I got up slowly and there was the woman. "Oh my, dear Jen. What would it take for you to accept your fate?" She sighed "very well, I'll just have to do this myself." She grabbed my face and brought it closer to hers. Then she heard church bells, and started to disappear, "I'll be back! I'm here, I'm always here," her voice faded.

Then I woke up in a hospital bed, my mom was crying. "Finally!" She sobbed, "you've been in a coma for over two months now!"

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