Eva Frost


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Eva Frost is well known in seattle  in fact she is known everywhere you go. Eva is known to have a cold heart, even in the business world.  But it’s her cold heart that got her to where she is today.

That is until she meets, A man that is after her company and herself. Dante Salvatore, is a man that is also rich, well known for his business around seattle and around the world. Dante find’s out some of Eva’s secrets and he soon holds, them against her to get her company.

When trying to hold Eva’s secrets against her, to get the company Dante realize that he is falling hard for Eva. Will he be able  to break down her walls and get Eva to be less cold. or will everything fall apart and he loses everything.



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Eva Frost.

Eva Frost.

Walking through a marbled lobby of Frost inc, Eva shakes her wet umbrella drying it off as she reaches reception. “Good morning Miss Frost,” A well  groomed, redhaired says with a smile on her lips. Putting down her umbrella Eva looks at the woman quietly. “I want all my appointments sent up to my office,” she says coldly. The redhaired woman nods, “Yes Ma'am,” she says.

Eva walks off and heads down a corridor, toward the elevator and presses for the 120th floor.Eva liked being at the top of, the building it was her hide away her peaceful sanctuary. As she reached for the the floor, the doors soon opened and Eva made her way into her office.

As she reaches for her desk she, some folders of paper work she knew she had to read and sort out. Sitting down in her black leather chair, She reaches for the top file and starts to read. But soon something hits her,as she read the file. Her green eyes widen “what is this man thinking?, is he serious thinking he could do such thing?” Eva says out loud to herself.

I standing up from her leather, chair Eva walks over to other side of the room and turns the kettle on. She was glad that she had her own kettle, she didn't like anyone else making her own coffee. While the kettle was boiling, Eva makes her way back over to her desk. She picks up the file she, was reading moments ago and starts to walk back to making her drink as she reads.

“What makes him think he can, buy my company just like that prick,”  she mumbles as she pours the hot water into her mug. Making a coffee she turns the, page seeing his money, and how much he was willing to buy Frost Inc for. “Are you shitting me,” she says almost dropping the mug.

Eva walks back over to her  desk and picks up, the phone and dials the mans number in the file. She was angry, her blood was at boiling point. There was no way in hell was, she going to let her company go to some stranger.

once the phone had stopped ringing, a male voice on the other end answers. “Mr Salvatore, speaking how may I help?” the man says cheerfully.  

“Mr Salvatore, this is Miss Frost,” she says coldly down the phone. As Eva grimaces at his cheerful tone.  

“I have just gone through, your file, what makes you think that my company is up for sale?” the anger was clearly there in her voice. “Miss Frost I know, that this is a hard time for you and, we all know that in two years Frost Inc will be gone,” he says with a tone that was confidante and cocky.  But while he was speaking, Eva found that the more she listened to his deep husky yet cocky voice, the more she was angry.

Gritting her teeth Eva, sighs “Look Mr Salvatore, I do hope you know that my company, is NOT up for sale”  Eva says in a angry tone and also empathizing on the not.

“Miss Frost I would, like to arrange a meeting we can talk in person” Dante says there was a small smile in his voice, but it was still husky, deep.

“This conversation is over,” Eva says as she slams down the phone on Mr salvatore. Anger and mix of hatred boils in Eva’s blood as she presses the intercom button on her desk. “Rachel in my office now” she says coldly, not caring that everyone at the front desk can hear her.

Moments later a knock, at the door fills the quietness of the office. Eva looks at the door and see the red haired woman from reception. “Come in,” she says harshly but didn’t mean it.

“Rachel, I have a client at two o’clock I want you to cancel it,” She says looking at the file of Mr Salvatore, who moments ago was on the phone demanding a meeting with her.

“But Miss Frost I don’t think you should,” Rachel says knowing that if she spoke her mind she would get what coming to her. “Don’t tell me how, to run my own  business, cancel my two o’clock and anything else I have for today NOW,” Eva growls getting more angry she, needed some kind of release.



Later that day Eve sits,  quietly in her office chair everyone had gone by the day was out. It was just her and a few security guards. opening the top draw of her she pulls out a bottle of whiskey and a small glass. Pouring a small glass Eva looks at the Salvatore file again, still feeling angry.

While drinking her glass of whiskey, a knock on the soon fills the room. The door opens and a tall dark haired man walks in, with a small smile on his lips. Eva looks up at the door, seeing the man stand before her.

“About time you showed up,” she says seductively. “Well I couldn’t keep my lady waiting, could I?”  a deep voice says as the room was now filled with voices and not the, defining sound of silents. The anger Eva was feeling had soon disappeared, as  she slowly stood from her chair and walked toward the man.

“You're late,” she mumbles, running her index finger down the front of the mans tie that he was wearing. He smirks as he watches her every move, making his cock even more erected in the tight jeans he was wearing.

Eav knew how to keep, this man she was “fucking” happy she knew how to keep him hard when he came in her office late at night. Running her thumb over the mans bottom lip, she could feel him shudder.  

“Why don’t we go, somewhere more comfortable?”  Eva suggest seductively, with a small smile on her perfect red lips. The man knew where the comfortable place was, and that it was in the back of Eva’s office was a little room she called her playroom.


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