Mower Blades


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How To Choose The Best Mower Blades?

The choice of mower blades determines the lifespan of your mower, the mowing experience and the quality of the grass cut. It is essential to choose the right mower blade for your grass to enjoy the best mowing experience. Different mower blades are suitable for different grasses and the desired height while mowing. However, regardless of the preferred height, the following factors should help you know which kind of blades to choose for your mower. 

Blades length 

Length is the first thing to consider in the blades as it will directly influence the mowing experience and the quality of the cut. Typical blades length falls between 16 to 21 inches long. However, you may find blades even longer than the 21 inches and even shorter than the 16 inches. Very long blades may not fit into your mower, and significantly shorter blades would cut a minimal space. The best thing is to consider a medium-sized blade that will perfectly fit into your mower. 

Width of the blades 

The width of the blade will as well influence the quality of the cut and the mowing experience. As said with the length, too broad blades may have fitting issues, and too slim ones may not give you a good cut. The typical width of blades falls between a 2.25 to 3.5 inches. However, stick to the recommended width in your mower user manual. 

Size of the Deck

Against the length and the width, a more extended deck is considered better. However, a typical deck size will fall between 16 to 30 inches in size. If you get a more extended deck but that which fits without challenges in your mower, it should be the best to settle. 

Total number of blades

The number of blades depends on the type of mower used for the cutting. Handheld mowers do not require many blades. Single blades are good to go for the handheld mowers. However, for riding mowers, you may consider several blades but which perfectly fits into the mower without any challenges. If you are curious to know more about mower blades; Kindly visit on

Blade holes

This is an essential factor to consider that many ignore only to have to return their blade products to the sellers. Most blades will come with a maximum of up to 5 holes drilled on them to fit on the mowers. However, others may have even six holes. Check on the requirements of your mower before purchasing the blades to have the bales with the right holes for your mower. 

Stens Mower Blades are the best-selling blades in the market today for both handheld and riding mowers. These blades are made from charcoal carbon for better strength and durability. You may consider Stens Mower Blades for your mowers for the best mowing experience. 


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