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It all started 10 years ago when my parents and I were on a ‘family vacation’. My ‘dad’ Tom and my mom Sharon had decided to pull me out of school after getting a new cruise ship. Yea, that seems fun and all, but I wasn’t the cruise type of guy back when I was 11. Even now I don’t like cruise ships. I don’t think I would have minded it too much if Tom hadn’t been there the whole time with his stupid jokes and failed attempts to try and ‘bond’ with me. He’s just a jerk with money in my eyes. That’s just how I see it.

Anyway, the worst thing you could imagine to happen while on a cruise actually happened to us. Everything was fine, until the ‘captain’ lead us right into a storm. It was as horrible as you’d think it to be, it was violent and scary. I was 11 and to this day I am not ashamed to say I screamed like a girl and peed myself while in the process. Just when I thought I was going to die, there was one big ‘BOOM’ and then a ‘BANG’ followed shortly after. The whole cruise ship stood still and we were all relieved, but not too excited to see how much damage was done to the ship.

We all stepped off of the ship, cautiously and aware of the fact that we might not have a way back home. I remember the first thing I noticed was the sky. It was between the colors orange and pink. I used to think it was girly, but now I just love it. My mom and I were all caught up in the ‘beauty’ of the place, when the captain pointed out what we had crashed into. When I saw what looked like a whole city in the distance, some random, tall, chubby, bald guy jumped out of nowhere with a HUGE grin on his face, looking at me like I was a celebrity or something. Once he explained himself, we were all in shock. We had apparently fallen into the Bermuda Triangle according to old chubs. Of course my mom and Tom (the douche bag) didn’t believe it for a second. I, on the other hand did.

Once it became clear to my mom and the DB (douche bag) that we were in fact stuck here in the Bermuda Triangle, old chubs took us on a little tour of the city. His name is actually Dave, but what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. I wasn’t so bummed out about this. The whole thing was like an adventure right out of a book for me. Besides, the name of the state sounded way rad. Hexstrom. Something about it made me feel like this was better than Narnia. I expected unicorns, trolls, talking bears, and giants. But all this place was, was a small ‘state’ filled with people living in this strange city of Paragon.



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I had been looking down at my wrists for hours. Hours, hours, and hours, just hoping the time stamp on my left wrist would slow down. The numbers were counting down fast and I wasn’t very happy about it. Let me tell you a little something about Hexstrom state. Seeing as everyone who lives here isn’t really from here or planned on coming here, you’d expect some strange things from a place no one knows much about. Hexstrom, for example, has an orange and pink sky in the morning and a mixture of all different kinds of shades of blue at night. That’s not even the most bizarre thing about living in the Bermuda Triangle…believe me.

            There’s really only two ‘states’ here in the Triangle, Hexstrom and Labithiul. I don’t know what goes on in their little area of the Triangle, all I know is it can’t be better than Hexstrom. Apart from the weird colored sky, Hexstrom also is very advanced in the medical field. Did you know we have a cure for every disease, STD, virus, flu, or cancer? Well we fucking do. It’s fucking great. Aids too. It’s not just treatment, it’s actually a cure. Hexstrom has a lot of other strange things, but I’ll get into those details later.

            Oh, and the thing about the wrists? It’s something e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e in the city has. We all have two different time stamps. One counts down to the very second, (on the left) to match you up with your so called ‘soul mate’ and the other (on the right) counts down only to the days for your death. From the very moment you get here, you are put through tests and huge scanning machines that determine the time you will have on your wrists. Some people believe in the system, others don’t. Do I? Kind of. My mom is matched with her stupid husband Tom, aka, Douche Bag, which makes me think this is bull shit. My best friend was matched last year and they’re completely and totally in love. That, on the other hand makes me believe in it.

            The only reason I was freaking out at the moment, staring at my wrists, and pacing around the kitchen was because my left wrist claimed I only had three days till’ I’d meet my soul mate. I’m 21, so I’ve been waiting quite a while. Don’t get me wrong, I want to fall in love and be happy…I just don’t know if this will even work. I’ve always pictured myself with a fun-loving, short, blonde girl with a nice rack, big tush, long blonde hair, and beautiful brown eyes. I know that’s a high expectation, but come on…a guy can dream.

            I don’t even know if I could be able to pull off dating a hot girl. I’m not the kind of guy girls drool over. Girls want a strong, buff, rich, sensitive, non-nerd, tall, hot guy. I’m only two of those things. Rich and Tall. Yea, greeaat qualities there. I’m not very sensitive, I’m a fucking nerd, I’m skinny, I can barely lift up my baby sister, and the mirror screams in terror whenever I step in front of it. Not to mention I have hair that hangs over my eyes, covering up my glasses.

        “Now who would want little old me?” I spoke out loud.

        “What’s wrong, sugar? What are you stressing about?” My mom had come in without a warning. I sighed, knowing I could never escape a conversation with mom.

        “Looks like I’m meeting my soul mate in three days…” I replied as softly as I could.

        “Oh, baby, that’s great! I can’t wait to tell Tom!” My mom cheered. Ugh. She tells Tom everything.

        “Mom, could you no-“

        “Tom, get your ass over here! I’ve got news!” My mom had completely cut me off and blocked me out. Figures. Tom came in, holding a hammer in his hands. He was working on some bird house or whatever.

        “What, what’s wrong? Is anyone dying?” Tom’s humor was always a little off. But none of us in the family are dying this year, so I guess it could come across as funny. He still laughed at his own joke.

        “Oh, Tom, Shut up!” My mom giggled, they looked like little five year old's on a play date. “Alex here is meeting his match in three days! I’m so excited! I need to plan a nice dinner for the girl! She can come over an-“

        “No! Mom, I am not bringing my ‘match’ over here so soon! Who knows, she could be a serial killer for all we know.” I groaned and pulled up a seat at the kitchen table. My mom is getting way too carried away.

        “Alex, that’s great! I’m sure you’ll swoop her up with your charm.” Tom (DB) commented, throwing a wink in my direction. I looked at him with disgust. All I did was shoot him a cold stare. He sighed and walked out of the room without another word.

        “Alexander Jason Maeshyre, you better lift your ass up and off that chair and go apologize to your father!” My mom was using my full name. She always sounds more like an evil witch when she does it.

        “He’s not my father, dammit! I have nothing to apologize for!” I started stomping upstairs, until my mom chased after me.

        “You better not turn that corner, boy!”

        “Or what?”

        “Or you’ll be grounded for the next month!” My mom was burning red. I rolled my eyes and walked back down to go apologize to DB. I walked into the laundry room, opening the door to the backyard. Tom was sitting on a stool, pounding some wood. The bird house. I walked to him as cautiously as I could, not wanting him to pound me with that hammer he was holding.

        “D-Tom, Tom. Um… Sorry.” I almost forgot I came here to apologize and almost said DB. I wouldn’t want him to ask what it meant.

        “It’s cool, little man.”

        “…Really?” I asked. I expected something more like, “Damn right, you better apologize to me!” but I guess he just wasn’t in the mood to be a jerk right now. His ‘precious’ bird house was in the process of being painted right now.

        “Yup, get inside; I don’t need you around my work.” Nevermind.

        “Douche bag.” I muttered under my breath.

        “What did you fucking say?”

        “Nothing.” I walked back inside and ran upstairs to call Stifluss. Stifluss is my best friend, his name is Austin but we do the last name thing. He’s the one that got matched last year to Brittney Nashton. I need to tell him about it. ‘It’ meaning the whole being matched deal.


         “Maeshyrrreeee!” Austin yelled into the phone just as loud as I had. “What up, what up, what up?!”

         “What’s up with me?! What’s up with you?!” I asked.     

         “Ah, nothings up with me, but what’s up with you?!” This is our usual routine.

         “I’m meeting my soul mate in three days!” I yelled. Yea, I’m not excited, but this is how we talk. We yell everything excitedly until someone brings up a topic. That someone being me.

         “Dude. That’s a big deal, are you nervous?” Austin calmed down and we began to run the normal conversation flow.

         “I can’t stop thinking about it. What if she’s not interested? Oh god. Why would she be interested?” I was freaking again but contained myself from going too bonkers.

        “Dude, don’t stress it. She’s your match, even if she doesn’t like you at first, she can’t stay away for too long. You know the rules.” Austin was right. I mean, she couldn’t stay away if she wanted to. By ‘rules’ it meant Rules. Real rules to this system. Apparently if you stay away from your match for too long after being matched, you start to slowly die, which removes a lot of time from your death stamp. So unless she wants to die, she has to stay with me.

        “Yea, I guess you’re right. I guess she has to give me as much of a chance as I do to her.”


        We talked on the phone for another hour and then I hung up, feeling too tired to continue. Austin agreed to coming with me to meet the girl. I’m sure she’d have a friend with her as well. I looked at the clock it was 12:00 AM. Two days left. Two day’s left. With that thought in my head, do you think I slept much? Not a chance. I woke up like four times trying to get the mystery girl out of my head. Eventually, I gave up knowing I have work at 9 today, it now being 4 and went to my bathroom to get some sleeping pills. I had a full bottle and took two.  You can bet I was sleeping like a sloth that night.


            I woke up in a daze, not remembering when I went to sleep. I rubbed my eyes, rolled over and turned my alarm off. I hopped in the shower, came out, brushed my teeth, got dressed, and grabbed my glasses from my desk, making my way downstairs to eat some breakfast. I got to the end of the steps and caught the scent of my mama’s chocolate pancakes. It was like my nose was guiding the way, I felt so spiritual, so free, so glad, it was like my nose sent signals to my brain telling it to make me fly into the kitchen ever so gracefully. Mama’s pancakes will do that to you.

            I walked in feeling like I was walking on clouds. My mama could tell how happy I was about it. She immediately pulled a chair for me when I came in and set the plate down in front of me. Four chocolate mama pancakes all for me. Let me tell you, I devoured those things like a savage.  I kissed my mama goodbye and hopped into my car, making my way to work. I worked at a mall in a store that, (thank Governor Mike) was made last year: Hot Topic. Up until it had been built I had been working in cleaning toilets twice a week. It wasn’t a very happy time in my life.

            I usually got there earlier than anyone else but today, I showed up later. Those pancakes held me back a while…

            I was relieved to see that my buddy Carson was here today. He missed a whole week of work after getting really sick. I mean vomit everywhere. Anyway, again…Carson is a last name thing, his name is Matthew. He’s my favorite here and about the only co-worker I get along with. He’s a chubby, pale, dumb ginger, but he sure is funny.

        “Wow! Maeshyre…First time you show up late.” Matthew spoke.

        “Hey, not late Carson. Just later than most.” I laughed back.

        “Yea. Same difference. What kept you behind schedule?”

        “Mama’s chocolate pancakes.”

        “Ooooh! And you didn’t invite me over? What a dick.”

        “Nah, those are all for me. You’re lucky I gave you some last time.” I defended.

        “Gave me some? You act like you handed them over to me. I practically had to beg you.” We started laughing, unpacking the new merchandise and trying on some weird kitty ears for the fuck of it.

        “So, you feeling better?” I asked.

        “Yea. It was just a virus. I got it all covered now.” We continued unpacking all the merch and when it finally came to our lunch break, we ran out of there like race horses. We like to eat at the food court here in the mall. It’s just less of a hassle for us. Oh, and free corn dogs, so…

            Carson and I were sitting at our usual spot… then I noticed his wrist. Not the left one, but the right one. The death wrist. It only had two weeks on it. His other wrist read Matched in red, which meant it’d been more than a year since he met his match. Two to be exact. I stopped eating and started to feel really bad. Carson only has two weeks left.


        “Yea, I know. I know…two weeks, big man. Two weeks. I’ve had a nice life though. Kristy’s made me the happiest man alive. I’m gonna be fine as long as you are.” It was like he knew I wanted to hear that.

        “This isn’t fair, little man…it’s just not.” I lost all appetite I had and threw away my food. I’d really miss the little man-big man talks at work. Who would make me laugh at work every day? Who’d cover for me when I went missing for an hour? Who’d be there to give me a boost of confidence every once in a while, and good advice at a hard time? No one would. I wouldn’t be getting anymore ginger bear hugs, or hearing anymore stupid jokes, or even losing easy bets to this guy. It’s just not fair. I felt like crying, but the look he gave me said not to. 

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Now I had two things to keep me up at night. Carson and my mystery girl. The day to meeting the mystery girl was getting closer and all I had done the past two days to prepare is find a nice outfit. I need more than that. Just an outfit won’t impress her. That’s when I got an idea. What if I use my contacts lenses instead of my glasses, cut my fringe enough to see my eyes, and buy her some flowers? That’s perfect! Besides, my green eyes always look better with contacts. And my hair? It’ll grow back…and flowers, that can make any girl smile.

            “Mom, I’ll be back! I’m going to Austin’s house!” I yelled. She was watching TV on the couch, I don’t have to tell her where I’m going since, I am 21, but I know if I didn’t tell her she’d just question me about it later. I wasn’t really going to the Stifluss home. I just wanted to go get my hair cut without her freaking out and wanting explanations. She knows my hair is my baby. I don’t let ANYONE touch it and I love taking care of it.

            “Have fun! Tell Margret I said hello!” My mom yelled back. She didn’t even look away from the TV. Margret is Austin’s aunt. He’s been living with her ever since his mom passed away in sophomore year when we were in school. It was suicide…she tried it before but it never actually worked until that day. There’s more to that story, but I shouldn’t get into it.

            I left the house, drove to the barber shop, and had my fringe cut shorter. I have to admit, I looked pretty damn sexy. Showing my eyes and all, mystery girl’s going to love me. I may not be buff, or sensitive, and I’m most definitely not strong, but something was making me feel like I was gonna do good tomorrow. I walked out of the barber shop, walking all gangster, cigarette hanging out my mouth, and rockin’ some new confidence I didn’t even know could be there. Yes, I smoke. Maybe that’s why I was so at ease.

            I just needed to find my contacts lenses and buy some flowers tomorrow, and I should be fine. I have a nice date planned for us. I’m not too romantic, so I just decided to take her to my ‘secret hide out’ hidden at the park for a picnic. I found it when I was 14. The little park everyone loves so much isn’t all that little if you go into the restricted areas. I went in there 7 years ago with my man Stifluss and it really was beautiful. I mean, a huge waterfall, green grass everywhere, and even beautiful orchids. Stifluss and I built our own ‘dome’ on top of one of the tallest trees to get a bird’s eye view and we even made a little swing at the bottom of the same tree. We both really go there when we need to be alone, or just catch up with each other. He knows I’m taking my mystery girl there and he said he’s cool with it if she doesn’t snitch.

            I’m pretty excited. My wrist is supposed to state a location tomorrow for me to be, but I don’t know where it could possibly be. I’m just so nervous. I went back to my house and ran upstairs to look for my contacts. I found them, almost brand new in my bathroom cabinets. I don’t like using these too much, I feel like the lens will get stuck inside of my eye forever and kill me…but this is a special occasion. I need to impress as much as I can.

            I got home early, forgetting I was supposedly at Austin’s house. Whenever I go over there, I stay for at least four hours. I started my car up again and parked it around back. If I want to take four hours, I might as well walk somewhere and walk back. It was only five PM. What the hell am I supposed to do now? I’d really rather go to the Stifluss residence instead of walking out here in the heat, all alone, but seeing as he wasn’t home right now, it didn’t seem possible.

            I started thinking about how things would go tomorrow. Who would make the first move? Would I be shy? Would I like her? Would she like me? Was she blonde? Did she maybe have a nice set of buns and a big rack to lay my head on? …Okay, maybe that was a little too much. What if I say something stupid tomorrow and she slaps me for it? I’m probably already going to screw up anyway. I feel bad…not for me, but for her. She’s probably expecting a handsome, successful and romantic gentleman. All I have to give her is a deep voice and a skinny body with luscious, long, brown hair. I guess my hair has a chance at winning her over.

            I had been walking for twenty minutes. Weird how slow time goes when you’re bored, hu? I wish I had something to do….better yet, someone to do. Kidding. Although, it would be nice, it’s just not legal. Well, doing it with your non-match is illegal. Damn rules. Maybe I’ll just head home. I’ve got nothing to do. I turned around to walk back home but realized I was lost now. What the hell, man?

            “Fucking hell.” I groaned. I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed. I called my mom and told her to come get me once I figured out what street I was on. She came as quick as she could and just like I expected, she had a list of questions for me.

            The entire ride back was a downer. My mom was angry at me for lying and she almost wanted to ground me until I told her why I cut my hair. She gave me a big hug and said: “My little baby’s growing up!” I simply rolled my eyes and hugged her back. She wouldn’t stop talking and talking about how she couldn’t wait to meet the mystery girl and how she wanted her over for dinner and how she was happy that I was gonna be happy. She had too much excitement over my personal life. We finally came back home though.

        “Hey mom, you realize you can’t ground me anymore, right? I’m 21.”

        “It doesn’t matter how old you are, Alex. You’re living under my roof, in my house, under my rules. Whatever I say goes.”

        “Fine, fine, fine. You can’t keep treating me like a baby though…it’s just going to be harder for you to let me go when I finally do move out.”

            I ran upstairs to my room, standing in front of my mirror and reciting what exactly and how I would introduce myself to my match. I felt pretty confident about this. It’ll go exactly as planned. With a schedule, nothing can really go wrong, right?

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