A Long Way To Go: A SoKeefe fanficition.


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Chapter 1: The trip to eternelia. 

¨ Sophie Keefe is here!" Edaline called from down stairs. Sophie rushed to get changed and put her hair into a beautiful braid.  Sophie then headed down the stairs and looked towards keefe, he was smirking but still looked very handsome like all elves did. He walked up to her and said “ What foster, astonished¨? He said it with and huge grin. Sophie felt like hitting him in the head with a pillow but she couldn't.  She instead smiled and then shot back ” Not astonished just surprised you took a shower for once¨. ¨ I DO SHOWER¨. Keefe said with a little bit of pride on his face. Let's just go to eternelia  already. Eternalia was the elven capital. ¨ Fine¨. Sophie said grinning. She took her hand and dragged her over to haven fields cliff. ¨ No way , we are not teleporting¨. Keefe insisted. ¨ Well sorry but i want to make an entrance so we are going to teleport´. Sophie said in a teasing voice. They jumped off the cliff and landed in the soft meadow near the councillors castle´s. 

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Chapter 2 : The date. 

Sophie let go of keefe´s hand and said ¨ See i told you, your fine!¨ ¨ Yea yea¨. Keefe said still looking pale. They started towards the center of the huge city. Sophie saw a familiar face and her skin turned white. Councillor Orallie was Sophie´s  biological mother. A fact that she was hiding for years. Sophie stiffly waved to her and she smiled to Sophie guiltily. Keefe asked ¨ Hey, Foster, you okay?¨ ¨ Yea, im fine i just saw my mom.¨ Sophie replied. Keefe new that Orallie was her mom and ever since he found out he hated Orallie. 

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