Academic essay


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Chapter 1

Follow the basic rules of starting with an introduction, a body of two to three paragraphs, and a conclusion. This becomes more relevant when you attempt a geography essay. The thesis statement would generally introduce a broad-based topic. So it becomes imperative you expand it further in the body. A precise summary would ensure the reader has digested everything conveyed through the essay.

•    A philosophy essay would talk of general problems related to language, knowledge or justice. There are many theories and branches which support this vast topic. When you write such an essay, you must be specific in your choice of a topic. Remember that every point you make, you support with evidenced backed by solid theory in this case.
Every attempt you make at an essay would make you a better essay writer.


 Follow these simple but practical methods, and you can only improve. Any essay can be written by following the basic principles of essay writing. Support your statements with well researched data and in time, you would find motivation to write great academic essays.

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