Cbd Oil

Debunking The Top 5 Cbd Oil For Dogs Myths
You are reading this either from your laptop or Smartphone. The advancement of the internet has made it possible to get any form of information with just a touch of a few buttons. That is the beauty of the world we are currently living in. However, with the advancement of technology, you may think that myths were a thing of the past. In the world of CBD oil for dogs, there are several myths. It is only right to debunk some of the top five CBD oil for dogs myths
- Myth 1 CBD oil for dogs is illegal
There is a lot of conversation in regards to the legality of CBD Oil for Dogs. Some people have firm convection that CBD products for dogs are illegal but that is far from the truth. The truth is that after the 2018 Farm Bill, made CBD legal in all states. So as long as the CBD oil for dogs has less than 0.3 % THC you are all well and good.
- Myth 2: CBD oil for dogs and Cannabis are the same thing
One of the most common myths that you will get to hear is that CBD oil and cannabis are the same things. While the two come from the same family the two are different. First of all, CBD oil is derived from hemp and it is not a product of cannabis. The second difference comes down to the THC value, CBD products for dogs come with less than 0.3% THC.
- Myth 3: CBD products for dogs can make your dog high
Most dog owners have this fear that having their dogs take CBD products for dogs will have them high as a kite. Can you imagine your dog being high? However, you need to stop worrying about getting your dog high with any CBD products for dogs. For starters what makes people high when consuming cannabis is THC. CBD products for dogs have no traces of THC.
- Myth 4: CBD Oil for dogs will cure all of your dogs' ailments
Have you heard of this myth? Can you believe if there was a cure for any ailment that your dog faced? It sounds good but that it is all a myth. CBD oil for dogs cannot cure every ailment that your dog faces. However, it can cure a lot of ailments. It can provide calming effects, helps in dealing with mobility issues, acts as a pain reliever, and also helps in treating dog-related allergies.
- Myth 5:CBD products for dogs can lead to overdose
Most dog owners fear that by giving their dogs CBD products for dogs the dogs will suffer from an overdose. However, you never need not worry about overdosing your dog with CBD oil for dogs or any of the CBD products for dogs. CBD oil for dogs has no THC which does lead to overdose.
Out of the five myths which of these myths which myth sounds familiar? Hope after reading the above blog, your view of CBD oil for dogs or any of CBD products for dogs changes.