Why Ocean is Angry


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Chapter 1

For years the world was Ocean. Ocean went where she wanted and ruled over all the sea creatures. But Ocean was lonely, she loved her sea creatures but she longed for a friend who was equal to her. She went to the gods to see if they would help her.

"Aren’t you happy with what we’ve given you?" they asked.

“I have thousands of creatures living with me, but even the whale won’t talk to me anymore. Couldn’t I share the world with someone equal to me?”

“Okay, you have always respected us so we will give you someone to share the world with.”

Ocean was very excited when she woke up the next day. Overnight Land had formed and she finally had a friend. However, this happiness didn’t last long. Ocean soon found out that Land was greedy. He kept pushing her out of his way so he could grow and take over more of her realm.

Ocean went to the gods to complain because Land was growing so quickly that he’d soon take over the whole world.

“We won’t take him back,” they said, “but we will make him give you back part of the world.”

Ocean wasn’t completely satisfied with this but she thanked the gods and returned home.

Over the next few weeks Ocean and Land learned to cooperate and Ocean was actually starting to enjoy having him around. Then Land found another way to satisfy his greed. He went to the gods to see if they would help him.

“Ocean has thousands of creatures and plants, and all I have is bare rock. I thought you wanted us to be equal,” he said.

“This is true. We’ll give you plants, but we won’t put anymore creatures in the world.”

“Then could I have some of Ocean’s creatures?”

“We’ll give you the power to change sea creatures into land creatures, but you can only change them if they want to change.”

Land returned home and grew trees, bushes, flowers, forests and moss. He made himself as beautiful as Ocean and hoped the creatures would like it. Then he called out to the sea creatures.

“The gods have given me the power to make you able to live with me instead of Ocean. I have trees and flowers and many places to explore, by now you must be tired of Ocean, she never changes. She’s been the same for all these years, while I change four times a year.”

Now, many of the fish were afraid of changes, but in many of them their curiosity got the better of them. When Ocean realized that Land was taking her creatures she got angry. She started ramming herself against him. Parts of her broke off and ran into all the crevices of Land as she slammed against the rocks. Sometimes she’d get tired and retreat, then she’d come back full force and reclaim part of what used to be hers by climbing up the sand.

Ocean is still angry at land. To this day she throws herself against him in an attempt to regain what used to be hers.

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