Conservatorship Attorney


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What You Need To Know About Conservatorship Attorney

Conservatorship is a court process designed to assign a conservator to a conservatee.  It is the legal appointment of someone to make decisions for another adult. The decision can be voluntary or involuntary. Either way, evidence will have to be presented before the court to prove the proposed conservatee requires a conservator or conservatorship.

Is conservatorship necessary?

Depending on the situation at hand, it may be the best solution. For instance, when there is no detailed planning for a trust, the power of attorney, or healthcare directive for an individual who cannot meet their needs, it is necessary since someone has to take care of the individual and their wealth. It also becomes essential in the event of fraud or invalid power of attorney.

There are mainly two types of conservatorships; for the person and of the estate. The same person can usually handle these roles, but others prefer them taken by different individuals. If you are curious to know more about conservatorship attorney, then you should go with that will helps you.

Conservatorship for the person

Often involves making decisions and choices about another adult healthcare, medical care, food, shelter, clothing, social life, and general well-being. This type of conservatorship always applies when an individual losses their ability to take of themselves. Either due to old age, dementia, or a physical condition that hinders their ability to meet their needs.

Conservatorship of the estate

Authorizing another person to be legally appointed to manage another adult's finances and their financial interests. An appointed conservator handles all financial matters, including paying bills, managing investments, accepting income, and releasing funds. This type of conservatorship applies mainly when the individual is no longer able to take care of these responsibilities due to health reasons or passing on. 

What do you do if the conservatorship is contested?

Contesting a conservatorship complicates things and is often expensive. It happens when one or more family members do not approve of the conservator or the entire conservatorship. Or when the proposed conservatee isn't in agreement and does not support. When such a situation happens the court, appoints an attorney to investigate the case and gives recommendations. They may rule for, against, or set a neutral person or a professional to handle the conservatorship based on these recommendations.   

Conservatorship Attorney fee

Who pays the attorney fee? Often time it is the conservatee, more so if he/she has funds. If they don't, the county pays. But in case of a contested conservatorship and all parties have attorneys billing, then the family is estate dwindles much faster.  It best to resolve such issues within the family and agree with the primary goal of ensuring the conservatee is cared for.

Why hire a conservatorship attorney?

A conservator attorney is knowledgeable in obtaining a conservatorship and actions to take in case of a contest. As a petitioner, your primary purpose is to ensure your loved one's interests are protected. The conservatorship attorney will help you accomplish just that as they will provide the correct information in court and convince the court to grant you your wish. A wish that will see your loved ones get the care and protection they need.

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