I don't know what I'm doing with my life.


Tablo reader up chevron


I'm procrastinating and I logged back into this account after a year, and saw the prompt so I guess this is happening now?  Dunno.  Don't get attached to anything, Imma abandon it after a bit.

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Chapter 1

The day Ren woke up, and no one existed, she didn't care.

It's not that Ren was cruel, or selfish.  Ren just was introverted, and not very observant.  She only ever left her apartment when she couldn't stomach tinned vegetables, peanut butter and ramen anymore.

Ren realized everyone was gone only on the second day.  Her Tumblr dash only had the same content from the day before, or posts that were tagged with queue.  Taking off her headphones, Ren crossed over to the window, drawing back her curtains.  No New York noise.  No throngs of tourists.  No one in deserted cars littering the streets.

"What the fuck?" Ren pulled out her phone- she got voicemail for everyone.  Of course, she only had ten numbers, half of which were relatives, but still.  Ren dropped her hand, staring out the window in numb silence.  

"Well- okay.  I guess this is the way things are now."

Ren sat back down at her laptop, tapping her fingers on the mouse aimlessly.  Bitting her lip, she visited a news site- a rare occurrence for her.  Ren didn't care about the outside world- the outside world didn't care about her, after all.  

It was full of yesterday's news.  Nothing that would explain the sudden disappearance of all humans.  Ren could hear, through the eerie silence, her neighbor's dog barking.  

"Shit!" Ren sat bolt upright.  If all the humans were gone, what was going to happen to her neighbor's dog?  What was going to happen to all the dogs?


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