A Darwinian Snarl (Short Story)


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A Darwinian Snarl

Work in progress. 

(Extract of dream sequence)

Where previously the air had been filled with pant-hoot chatter of the troupe, a sudden hush descended upon the forest, an almost deathly tranquillity so absolute that the birds, the insects had fallen mute and even the trees had ceased their arborial murmuring. From canopy to floor there was a verdant stillness, as if time itself had been halted and the entire biota was frozen instantaneously, just waiting for a sudden propulsion to kickstart the entire forest ecosystem back into animation.

          A solitary waa-bark punctuated the silence. But the spell wasn’t broken until that single distress call was joined by an orchestra of barks and hoots which seemed to fill the entire jungle. Within seconds the forest was filled with a stridence of piercing shrieks and guttural growls as the bush hissed its disapproval at the savage disruption of its reverie.

          Spurred by a primal impulse.  Propelled from knuckles and feet, pounding across the floor, with the heart hammering in the chest and the jungle cacophony screaming from the ears, there was only one instinctive thought- to sprint for safety, high among the trees.

          Later to re-join the nest and bond with the troupe.

          My family.


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