Book vs Film
How do you feel about film adaptations? Are the books always better? Can a film ever measure up? Should films just be considered as 'based on' a book and so the book is simply inspiration then there is no expectation to for a film to 'represent' a book? If you have seen the film, do you now not need to read the book?
Books and films are such different ways of telling a story. Both with their own strengths and weaknesses yet they are often compared so vehemently and can rouse such rage and indignation. Share your thoughts.
A book is a book. A film adaptation is different from the book it was based on. Film producers, directors, even actors and the book's author themselves tend to add new material, highlight some elements in the original story or do away with some. I think one can never come close to being the other. Both books and films have the their own merits and flaws.