Untiled NaNoWriMo Stoy


Tablo reader up chevron


I know this isn't very edited, i'm still in the middle of writting this. i started this story when I was very little- bnut it has changed so much and I'm finally re-writting it!

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Chapter 1

The clock goes off without waking her, the empty room is silence. Footsteps thump up the stairs in response to the alarm, the door opens and in she walks. She’s dressed plainly-jeans, long sleeved plain blue t-shirt-except for the excitement budding under her skin. She turns off the clock with a tap of her hand. And grabs a box from the top of her dresser, she stuffs the box into the open suitcase by the floor of her bed, zipping it up slowly. She picks it up then she heads back down stair. It thumping down behind her. THump, thump, thump.The sunrise is just beginning, It creeping up the glass windows. And flooding the room with silhouettes of light.

            She steps into the sunlight and parks her suitcase by the door. Then she sits down in the chair, she curls up,, maybe hopping to get some well needed rest.  There’s a sharp knock on the door. She bolts up, and races to the door, the mail is waiting on the ground, in a small heap. She sees the one with silver lining, the one with gold lettering and the words Skyforce Security embossed on the top. Slowly and carefully she picks up the letter. Her hands quivering with giddy enthusiasm as she reads the letting. 

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