Lola and the weird noise


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Chapter 1

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The Wolf Duo

Or I could draw it for you. No cost. Just tell me what to draw. I don't know if you can post still, but just describe the cover, and I'll get it done as soon as possible. I could email it if we can't post, though.

Thanks again, Sadie

The Wolf Duo

What I would suggest is downloading IbisPaint on an iPhone or iPad and draw you covers. Before that, screenshot the size of the book cover on Tablo and insert the picture in. Erase that picture, and draw your cover. I would recommend using layers too. Then screenshot that, and go onto Tablo on safari from there. Click on the cover and press "Photo library" and insert that photo.

I hope this helps! -Sadie

Sadie Stanley

No offense, I don't mean this to offend you, but it seems as if you are having trouble making your covers on sketchpad. if you would like, I can help and post it on my profile. Please reply as soon as possible.

hi, it's okay about that and I would love to do that! I am just on a laptop so it's hard for me. Thanks!

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