The Unintentinal Consequence


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The Part-Truth

      Lightning flashed, thunder cracked, rain pored as I drove home. Nothing I saw today was real. It could not be real, it was all fake. Wasn't it? Something to make the party better, because it was so boring to begin with, ha. Make people get... involved somehow? I left her, I can not believe I left her, but she is safe. Kate is safe!? Oh god I hope she is. Vampires!? Werewolves!? M-magic flying around, and that, that person turned to dust. Or was it a vampire? They were fighting each other, did they not care about other people. People like me who has no idea what the heck is going on.

It, it was suppose to be a fun party, but I can not stop shaking.  Tears threaten to spill over my eyes. My new outfit is already ruined. Looking down at my hands makes it clear I need to stop. I pulled over to the side of the road. The panic attack came along in full force. I took deep breaths and tried to stop the tears. I helped the vampires, I think. I didn't mean to choose a side. But I could not, I could not leave him to die. So much smoke, so much noise.

A car horn pulled me out of my thoughts. A gentle tap on my window followed a few seconds after. I wiped my face a rolled down my window. A smile is thrown on my face as I look toward the intruder, I freeze for a second as I recognize him. His red hair and bright brown eyes are hard to forget. He was a part of the intruders, the werewolves, I guess. I mentally shake my head, why do I feel so angry towards him.

"You alright maam?" He politely asked in his strong Irish accent.

"Yea," I replied in hope that the strain and fear is kept out of it.

"I'm just having a hard time right now. Ummm..." I really don't want to tell him about my loss, or the night I had just experienced, it just doesnt feel right.

Before I can think of something to say another car pulls up, it's the host of the party I just left. I gulp, hopefully they don't start anything here. A war, that I just stumbled upon in my need for a new beginning. I should have never left the house. I close my eyes and miss the exchange between the two. I take a deep breath and open me back up. The first one is storming away from my car. I furrow my eyebrows and look towards the second intruder. He slowly nods his head and gets back into his car.

I'm even more confused than I was at the beginning of this whole ordeal. I roll my window up so I do not get anymore wet and watch as the two cars drive off. I make the way to the apartment that I am sharing with Kate in hopes that she will be there.

I get there and the light are off. She is not here. I close tmhe door and turn on the lights. everthing looks the same as it did when I left about five hours ago. I close my eyes and sink to the floor. More tears escape my eyes, I can not think straight. I put my things where they go and hop in the shower. I go to bed and have bad dreams, nightmares for most of the night.

In the morning everything was alright once again. Kate was there and I could not remember the party at all. Kate says it's because I got really drunk. But the thing is I do not drink. I do not even recall getting a drink while I was. But, I feel like something is wrong, I do not know.

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The Decision

It has been a month since the party that I first went to when I got here. I still can not remember most of it, but I have started having dreams this last week. It is of the party, but it seems so fictional. Not going to ask Kate about it, it feels like she is hiding things from me since the party.

I crawl out of bed and go into the kitchen. Smells of bacon and biscuits drift from the kitchen making my stomach rumble. Kate has been making me breakfast for the last two weeks. I have been unsuccessful trying to find a job. It is really frustrating, everywhere I apply I need 'at least one to two years of experience'. It is really annoying, but I guess I am going to have to do fast food. It will be ok.

"How are you this morning?" She asks sitting a plate in front of me. I take a bit and swallow before answering," I am doing good. Just really frustrated, most towns have at least a Wal-Mart or something that is normally always hiring." 

"Yea, small towns suck. That is why I work in the city that is only 15 minutes away, and not at all horrible." 

I groan as I finish my breakfast. "I just don't like getting up earlier than I have too. It's..." I throw my hands in the air with exasperation. Kate does not know I have been in the city the last three days trying to find a job. She has contacts and I want to get a job on my own.

She laughs at me with her musical laugh, that sometimes, like now, seem a little forced. "Go to the city today and find out. It'll relax your mind." 

I nod my head and mumble 'yes mom', she throws a towel at my head. I leave the room and go take a shower to get ready for a job hunting day in the city. It feels relaxing and nice. As always I get some weird feelings in the shower and remember something involving water. I try closing my eyes and picture it, but nothing happens.

I take a deep breath and step out of the shower and go to my room. I hear something, sounds like rustling paper, when I get into my room, but I do not see anyone there. I do not know what is going on. This happens a few times a week, but nothing ever comes of it. I have mentioned it to Kate a couple of times, but she brushes it off.

I lay on my bed before attempting to find clothes, or do anything. The dreams come back, they are not as bad as I feared them to be, but still bad enough. I wake up from them and grab a pen and notebook and start writing everything down


Twenty-first entry-- The month after the party and nothing seems right. Everything is so hazy. Kate said I drunk at the party, but to be honest I do not remember drinking at all. Why would she lie to me, unless everything that has been happening in my dreams are the actual events. And those people following me home lately. Who are they?

Anyways, the dream I just had... I was on the second floor of the mansion talking to this really handsome man that I had just met. I do not remember his name, but I am pretty sure he told me it but my head starts hurting a lot, when I try to remember. I'll just call him, Mr. Handsome. Cliche I know but i am not trying to be creative.

Back to the dream before I forget it, which happens a lot. We were talking about how I got to this town. He was really easy to talk to and I told him almost everything about my life. I have not done that in a long time, it felt a bit refreshing.

Then there was this annoying alarm, it was really low but I heard it. People started running to the stairs. Mr. Handsome was directing people, and calling out orders. I was standing there not knowing what the heck was going on, it felt like chaos. Someone fell and I felt the need to run over and help them. I had gotten him to the stairs when doors appeared. They were shut and would not budge open, then the window's started shattering.

People started screaming and smoke bombs go off. I covered my eyes and felt a sharp pain to the back of my head, that is when I awoke.

That is not from drinking to much. What the hell happened at that party? --end of entry.


Taking a deep breath and closing my eyes, I take a moment to meditate and make sure everything is alright right now. Those dreams are very frustrating, I tried mentioning it to Kate once, but she brushed it off. I climb out out of bed a proceed to get dressed. I put a pair of nice blue jeans and a dark blue button up shirt with a light blue under shirt. I pull my long multicolored hair into a loose bun. Slowly make my way into the living area. Kate had already left for the day but left a note on the table. 


'Serena love,

You got a phone call today. It seems that you made an impression at that party. You gave a guy your name and number but he had trouble deciphering the number after, well he said, you spilled a drink on him. Also he is a big time lawyer, and has an opening at his office. His name is Tiberius Spirits and his number is 555-3602. Call him he might have a job for you. Good job girlie!



My eyebrows raise at this, it makes my head hurt. I have no clue what's going on and I'm so very confused. I let out a an exasperated sound and continued on my way to get a job. Maybe, just maybe, it will be ok and everything will work out.

Grabbing the landline I make my phone call. After a few rings it goes straight to voicemail.

"Hey this is Ty, probably in a meeting right now. I'll give you a ring back, soon, if I want too." Beep.

I take a deep breath, "Hey this is Serena, I was told to give you a call. Sorry about the party and spilling the drink on you, I um, don't remember much, so yea. Uh, well if you feel like giving me call back please do. Umm, either call me on this number or I'll have my cell with me. That number is 555-1324. Thanks." 

I hang up and realize how stupid it sounded. He called me, which means he is not upset with me for the party. Oh god, what if he is? What if I spilled a drink on an expensive suit, and he wants me to pay for it? I do not have much left in savings. But I really need a job, I hope this is about that. Groaning, I grab my purse, phone, iPod and headphones and head to the car.

It feels really nice outside, I hop in my car and make the fifteen minutes to the city. As I enter the city I look around, I do not have much work experience and what I do have experience, I just rather not get back into. Nothing will be the same here and it is just difficult. The trees are gently blowing in the wind. Nodding my head I head to the nearest park. Smiling I park my car and step out into the nice fresh air.

Wind blowing gently in the wind, the sun beating down. Closing my eyes I stand by my car for a second before walking. Such a beautiful day out, I really like it. Pulling out my iPod, plugging in my headphones I get lost in the music. I make my way into the park. Seeing the people playing frisbee with their dogs. Or the others who are walking just as well. Then there is a couple by the fountains having a picnic.

Head bobbing to the music and lip-singing the songs, my mood really improves. I make it to a park and sit on a bench. The Vamps come onto my iPod and can not help but dance a little bit, really like that band. I pull out my phone and check it. No missed calls, I shrug, maybe he did not want to call me back, or maybe he already filled his vacancy. I do not think I mentioned needing a job. Maybe he is just being courteous to the new girl. What if he was Mr. Handsome? He just feels sorry for me, I sigh. Oh well, I will never know if he does not call. 

Finding a park bench with a nice view of the fountain I sit down. I put my purse next to me in my sight so no one can take it. I pull my phone out and place the phone on my lap, so I can feel the vibrations if someone calls. I pull out my Harry Potter book. 

They make me feel safe ever since I lost my family. Lost them when I was twenty-four years old. Two kids and a husband, my family, my life. Harry Potter has always been there and one of my favorites, and my oldest loved Dobby and sobbed for an hour when she learned he died. Taking a deep breath I put the sadness away and open my book.

Half-way through the book someone sits next to me. Not thinking anything about it, I move over making sure they had plenty of room. I move my purse to the other side. A shadow reaches across my book after a few minutes. Putting my book down I look over to the person next to me. I gasp, it is Mr. Handsome.

Taking my ear phones out and marking my place in the book, I turn towards him. "I'm sorry," I stated not knowing what else to say.

Mr. Handsome laughs, a nice light baritone laugh, almost musical. Controlling his laughter he states, "That's the third time I have heard you say I'm sorry today."

Noticing the confusion on my face, "On the phone you said it a couple of times. I am Tiberius Spirits."

He held out his hand, I took it with a smile. A small shock is sent through my arm. His grip is strong, not over bearing, but not enough to pull away. I know he felt me jump a little, but he does not say anything about it. 

"It's just a beautiful day out today," he stated leaning back staring at the fountain. I rub my hand just for a bit, that shock has me a little thrown off.

Nodding in agreement, I turn my iPod off and put it along with my book, first marking my place, I put them in my bag. "It really is." I finally stated.

He turns and smiles at me, "Are you still looking for a job?"

I nod, "Yea I am. I'm, umm, really having some troubles with it." I shake my head a little bit.

Tiberius reaches over and pats me on my shoulder, I get another small jolt run through my arm. 

"Great let's start." He said pulling out a notepad and paper. 

"H-here?" I ask extremely confused.

"Sure, why not." He stated with a broad smile on his handsome face. 

"But I'm not ready I know nothing..." I frantically started.

With the beautiful smile on his face he held his hand up, "If this interview goes anything like I expect it to,  you will learn about us, my firm, in no time. " 

"Ok, let's begin." I said with a smile.

"Are you from around here?"

"No, I just moved here." 

He frowned and wrote something on his note pad. "Do you plan on staying for a while?"

I looked down at the ground, "Yea, I do. This is my new start, or so I hope." 

I look back up at him and he has a small smile on his face as he is writing something else down. I take the time to study some of his features. His blonde hair is cut to the nape of his neck and does not extend over his ears, he has a paleness to him like he dos not spen a lot of time in the sun. He glances up, his eyes I notice shimmer an emerald green, and resumes his interview.

"Are you good with people?" 

"I was a CNA, and won employee of the month a few times. They seemed to like me and didn't really complain. I am patient even when someone is really annoying and you would like to yell at them. I take my time, I am not fast at most things, unless it is needed. Then I try to run like the wind. Believe me, I do not look that great when running."

He laughs, "I can't imagine you not looking good." 

I must look like a fish after he says that. I did not know how to respond to that. 

"Can you name some of your weaknesses?" 

After a while it starts to feel more like a friendly conversation instead of an interview. It was relaxing and nice, then his phone rings. He hold up his hand and walks away and talks into the phone. I take the time and check out his nicely shape body, which I mean looks really nice through his clothes. He is quite tall, and slender. He stands with elegant posture and has a sense of being in charge and everything in order around him. He turns back to me still on the phone and waves.

My cheeks flush red and I shyly wave back. He smiles, you can tell he is trying not to laugh at catching me checking him out. I turn away and stare at the fountain. I can not believe he thinks I look good. Shoulder length straight, when I decide to brush it, brown hair with pale grey-blue eyes. Plus I know I am on the chubby side, I wear a size ten or twelve in pants and wear a medium to large shirt. Plus I am short well not short, short, I am 5'2, 5'3. A hand presses on my shoulder with another small jolt. Tiberius is standing there with his hand on my shoulder, he removes it as I stand. 

"Well, that was work. I gave to get back." He held out his hand for me to take it, which I did. Another jolt accompanied by flashes of a night, dancing with him on a balcony, to the soft playing of a violin. I let go of his hand and plaster a big smile on my face.

"Thank you for your time and finding me. Next time maybe I can come to you and get to know you better." 

He did his beautiful laugh, and smiled at me. "This is where I usually take my lunch break, and you are quite memorable. And I think that will happen, I just have a few more things to finish up. I should be able to let you know if you got it or not by either tonight or tomorrow. Hopefully I will talk to you sooner rather than later." 

He left after saying that. I do not remember that party, but he makes me want to so much. Then the flashes of smoke and the sound of breaking glass appear in my mind. I take another deep breath. What the hell is going on? I gather all of my belongings and put my phone in my pocket and put my headphones on. On the way back to the car I look around and see mos t df the same things as I did when I got there, but I also notice something new. I notice a strange shadowy figure following me. I can not tell if it is a man or woman.

I make it to my car and start it quickly, I see the shadow off in the distance. It looks as if it is staring at me, but I can not tell. I quickly pull from my spot and head home. I look behind me every so often making sure no one was following. Maybe I was just imagining things, maybe it was just shadows that looked like a person. Yea that is it, why would anyone want to follow me. I do not have an exciting life, my life is boring. 

I am back in my town and have finally stopped looking behind me, I see Kate's car in the drive and pull beside her. Before stepping out of the car I compose myself, there is no reason to concern Kate when I was not even sure what I saw. Taking a few deep breaths before exiting the car I work myself up and head into the house.

"Hey, how was the city?" Kate hollered from the kitchen.

I shake my head, she seems to always be in a the kitchen lately. "It went good, I had an interview and I think that it went really well. He said that he would be calling me tonight."

I sat my things next to the door, and headed into the kitchen. It smells garlicky, Kate is making spaghetti. Once I enter the kitchen Kate is holding her spoon and pointing it at me. 

"Where, when, and who is he?" With every word she would flick her spoon a little. 

"At the park on a bench. Around lunch time, and Mr. Tiberius Spirits." I said going to the sink to wash my hands. Kate is over my the stove still in shock mouthing the words I said to her.

"He interviewed you in the park?" She asked shocked. 

"Yea, he said, he was on lunch and saw me. Plus it was really nice out so why not." I shrug my shoulders and turn around leaning on the sink.

"Wow," she said turning back to the stove to cook. 

"Yea, I better go grab my phone in case he calls that instead of the landline." I head out of the kitchen. I check my phone to see if I have any missed calls or messages or anything. I have one missed call from an unknown number. No new texts or voice messages, I lock my phone and place it in my pocket.

Kate is straining the noodles when I get back and there is garlic bread on the stove, I steal one. 

"Hey wait for dinner," she says as she finishes the noodles.

"Can't hear you my mouth is full." I say to her with a mouthful of garlic bread. She glares at me and sticks out her tongue. I throw a price of bread at her. She looks at me in feign surprised, then proceeds to throw some noodles at me. I duck and she hits the wall. I stick my tongue back at her.

She laughs her very beautiful musical laugh and shakes her head and continues finishing the pasta. "Dinner is done." She says brandishing the food onto the table and pulls out a salad from the refrigerator. 

"It looks yummy, and my yummy wants some yummy." I said piling some of the salad and spaghetti onto my plate. Kate looks at me with one eyebrow raised and shakes her head at me. 

She puts some onto her plate and launches into conversation about her day. It was fun and very enjoyable. Near the end of dinner my phone rings, I look at it and it's a number I recognize but it is not in my phone. 

"Hello, this is Serena." 

"Serena, it's good to hear your voice again." The male voice I recognize as Tiberius says.

"And yours too sir, I'm hoping it is some good news."

"You only have to call me sir at the office any other time it's Tiberius." 

My breath catches, at the office, "Does that mean..." I ask trailing off.

"Yes you got the job," I could almost hear the smile in his voice.

But then I squeal into the phone. "Thank you Tiberius sir." 

His beautiful laughter rings through the phone, "It was all you. You are a very easy person to talk to. My lunch today was one of the best lately and I even gave an interview."

I smile, "Well only because I had someone who was a very good listener. And seemed very interested in what I was saying." 

He laughed again, "That is the job of an interviewer." 

I laughed, "Yea, but when after a while it stops feeling like an interview that is a good thing." 

"Yea it is," he says sighing a little. "I will need to you to start on Monday, we will speak of wages and days off and such then. Monday and Tuesday will be your only training days, due to the fact that is the only time my other partner will let me borrow his secretary. Also, right now I also need you to be the secretary to another lawyer here at the firm. I know it is a bit more than you signed on for, is that ok?"

"Yea, can you give me their name. When we are done talking I am going to research you and your firm a little so I have some knowledge when I walk in on Monday and am not seen as not very smart."

He chuckles a little, "While I don't see that happening, but I will tell you anyway. Her name is Kristen Lasker, and she is new so I don't expect her to be to bad to be both of our secretaries."

"Thanks, if she is anywhere as nice and charming and cute as you we will have no problems." I look across the table, finally, Kate is looking at me with both eyebrows wagging her finger at me. I shoo her away and look towards the wall next to me instead.

"Cute, eh?" He asked in a teasing manner.

My eyes open in shock, damn I did call him cute. "I umm... Yea." I stutter and loose all smoothness I had.

He laughs, "Well I will keep that as a note later and tease you about it every now and then. You're lucky I am such a good looking boss or I wouldn't be as lenient as I am." 

It was my turn to laugh, "Yea," I said because I did not know what else to say. 

He laughs again, "I will see you in Monday, our attire is buisness casual unless in the courtroom. I doubt you will be going into the courtroom but it never hurts to be prepared. Have a great night and pleasant dreams, Serena."

"You too Tibeius." I said and hung up after.

"Did more happen at this interview than you told me?" Kate questioned me.

I shook my head at her, "Nope, I am going to go research them so I am a little prepared on Monday and don't get laughed out of the office." 

I stood up from the table and gave Kate a hug and blew a kiss as I left the kitchen. I got to my room and shut the door before sinking to the ground. Did something else happen at the interview that I missed too? Well there was the shocking sensation the I felt every time we touched. Plus he is extremely good looking, and he is a very nice person. 

It probably was just him being nice. Plus be being a new person and that stupid party. Ugh, that party! I have no idea what happened but, those dreams that seem so real. Taking a deep breath I get off the floor and start looking up the law firm before heading off to bed. 

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The Crashed Party

 Ty was beyond furious because of the incident. Why the hell did they attack? They had an agreement, if no one that did not know was not being hurt it was alright. They could only interfere if someone was being injured. No one was injured until they arrived. She had gotten the worst view of them. She was so scared and then he followed her. Making sure she made it home. But that damn wolf also followed her, why? Slamming his fist through the desk, he got up and left his room. He needed to find out what happened and he needed to know know. 

"What the hell happen!?" He demanded once he reached the bottom of the stairs. 

One of the men standing at the bottom of the stairs straightened up, "We were attacked, as far as I know we had no provocation for the attack."

Tiberius runs his hands through his hair, "This is a mess."

The woman that was standing next to the man at the bottom of the stairs, "Yea, it is. What are we going to do about all the ink nets that were here. We can not let all of them know."

Tiberius sighs, "I know Kate, I know. Jason we need an accurate report on what happened tonight. Plus we need to figure out what to do about the guests who learned something unexpected tonight." 

Letting a deep breath out Kate speaks up, "Can we still let Serena know, that's why you were talking to her. You were making sure that she was trustworthy enough." 

Tiberius held his hand up to her, "Until I know how to contain the situation I have no clue what we are doing, with anyone." He knew which woman she was talking about. It was one of the best conversations he recently had the privilege to hold. 

"I may have a solution to that," a male voice thick with a British accent interrupted. 

Kate glared at the new comer, "I think we will be just fine without your help." 

"Let us listen to him Kate he may have a solution." Tiberius stated crossing his arms trying to not let the nervousness show through. 

"Why yes, my lord." He turned to Kate and smirked a bit and turned back to Tiberius. 

"I have a spell at my disposal that will allow everyone to forget what happened last night. The only side effects are last night is a bit hazy as if most people got drunk off their rocker."

Tiberius nodded, "What's the catch Lucien?" Kate interrupted.

"Not everything he does has a catch," Jason said obviously annoyed.

"With him," Kate said jerking her head towards him. "There is always a catch."

"Silence," Tiberius ordered before their argument got everyone sidetracked. 

"Lucien continue please." Tiberius said running a hand through his blonde hair again.

"Well, Misses Kate is right," Kate scoffed an mutter 'of course I am' under her breath. 

Tiberius glared at her and she rolled her eyes but shut her mouth. "As I was saying," Lucien began. "The only thing is everyone that did not know about 'our world' last night must be made to forget. Or it will not work." 

Kate jerked he head towards him, "You cannot be serious."

Lucien just smirked at her wider, "What say you, my lord?" 

Tiberius looked at him and at  Kate with a sad expression. "Do it Lucien, we cannot have 'our world' exposed due to their carelessness."

Tiberius turns to go up the stairs but is stopped by Kate's next words. "But what about Serena, you said we can tell her." 

Tibeius looked at her with his sad expression once again, "I'm sorry sis, but we can't let 'our world' be in any danger." 

Kate looks as if she is about to cry she takes one hand and runs it over her eyes. "Lucien is there a time frame on them not remembering?" Tiberius asked.

Lucien looks thoughtful for a minute, "I honestly do not know. This will be my first time doing this spell. To be on the safe side I would probably wait about a year or so before trying. Also keep an eye on all the 'guests' so we can keep us safe." 

Tiberius nods at him. "Looks like we have to wait a year, Kate." 

Kate starts tapping her foot more, "What about the prophecy?"

Tiberius smiles a sad smile, "Guess this is not it." He leaves the three standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"Well this has been fun." Lucien says with a broad smile on his face.

"You are a jerk." Kate punches Lucien in the shoulder and storms out. 

Lucien laughs, "Well see you later Jason." He leaves going out the back door. 

"Kevin get in here," the lone man hollers. 

A man with curly black hair runs into the foyer and stops by Jason, "Yes, sir!" 

"Find out what the hell happened tonight," he demands sternly. "You have two days!" He orders and proceeds to leave the room. 

Kevin pulls out his cell phone, "We have two days to find answers. Start at the 'Star Bar'. Get back to me as soon as possible we have two days." He snaps phone shut.

"What the hell happened?" He asks to no one, shakes his head and leaves the now vacant foyer.

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The Two Hundred Dollar Question

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The Forbidden Fruit

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The First Mistake

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The Argument

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The Truth Revealed

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The Ultimate Question

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