The Curse Conduit


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Lois Terrans Bradbury

Part One - Connected

Declan’s face and arms were covered in cuts and the dirt of the battlefield but the mortal wound had been thrust into his side. He could feel the life slipping away from him as blood oozed from the hole made by the enemy’s sword. His thoughts turned to Beth-Elena. He did not want the last memories before he died to be those of battle, he wanted them to be of her sweet smile, he wanted to look into her loving eyes and this was the last earthly picture he wanted to see.

Declan struggled to move, his good friend Uri was at his side. “Don’t Declan.”

Declan tried to open his eyes but he was so tired. His words where soft, almost inaudible “Beth-Elena.”

Uri squeezed his arm. “Yes. I’ll get you home Declan. I promise.” Uri sighed. He knew his friend wanted to get back to his lady but he was not sure if he would be alive when he did.

With the help of a few of his fellow knights, Uri got Declan onto a horse for the trip back to the castle. It was a silent trip, sombre; every one of the men travelling with him understood the consequence of this battle. They had won but they had lost so much. Declan had not been the only one to be wounded or die that day but his death would be felt by many, none the least Beth-Elena.

As they rode back to the castle Declan drifted in and out of consciousness and his thoughts ran to Beth-Elena, he had promised to marry her after this conflict, now he would never get the chance.

He had been blessed when she had arrived in his life. She; the niece of the King. He; just a common man trying to earn an honest living in his father’s blacksmiths shop.

He had been in the market one day when a thief had run off with her change bag and knocked her to the ground. Declan had run after the thief and retrieved her money and gone back to help her. In the process of being knocked over she had sprained her ankle so Declan had carried her back to his family home and his mother had tended it for her. It was only then his mother suggested he take her back to the King, he realised who she was

Declan and Beth-Elena formed a good friendship but as time passed the King became aware of it and was going to forbid it to continue when Beth-Elena had intervened. She had pleaded with her uncle to let Declan prove he was worthy to be her friend. The King had agreed and given Declan a place in his army. Declan’s family, indeed the town were shocked. This was unheard of. The King’s knights were picked from some of the finest families in the land not the common folk. Declan knew he had to prove himself not only to the King but to his family and his people and he did. He worked hard, learnt fast and was a formidable knight, earning the respect of his fellow knights and his tutors alike. Declan softened the heart of the King. He had also woven a spell over Beth-Elena as their friendship developed into so much more.

The King was pleased for his niece. Declan was indeed worthy of her friendship and her hand in marriage, so when he had asked for his approval he gladly gave it.

After the battle there was to be a wedding.

As the horse hooves clattered on the cobbled stones of the courtyard to the castle everyone stood silent. They all knew who was on the horse. Declan was a hero to so many. He had worked his way up and was going to marry a princess. But now as Uri lowered him from his horse and laid him at the steps of the entrance to the castle they all knew he was dying. All eyes were on Beth-Elena as she ran from the castle, not realising what was going on. She had seen the men returning from a distance and was running to greet the love of her life. First she looked at the man on the ground not understanding then she looked at Uri. His eyes and the tears etching marks down his still battle soiled face told her all. She looked again at the man at her feet and let out a cry that gripped the hearts of all who had gathered. Beth-Elena sank to her knees and held Declan to her.

Breathless Declan spoke her name. “Beth-Elena?”

“Yes. You are home my.”

He opened his eyes, looked upon her face and smiled weakly. “I’m sorry.”

Beth-Elena bit her lip and tried to smile back. “I love you Declan.”

Declan coughed and a small trickle of blood escaped from his lips. “I have always loved you my Princess. I do not want to leave you.”

In a swift movement that caught Uri off guard. Beth-Elena took his knife from its holster on his hip and sliced a line through the palm of her hand. She did the same to Declan before clasping their hands together. “I will love you until we meet again my love. I will search eternity to find you I promise.” She bent down and kissed him.

Declan died with the wonderful image of Beth-Elena in his memory and her sweet taste on his lips.

The years passed and the land was at peace. Uri married, had children and become a stable figure in the court of the King. His wife and Beth-Elena had become friends. From the day of the death of his friend Declan, Uri had taken upon himself to keep watch over Beth-Elena. It was if a part of her soul had died, taken to travel with Declan as he passed from this world to the next. She had never married though she had many a suitor over the years. As he watched her walk the castle grounds once again his heart saddened to know that she had spent so much of her life alone. She had so completely loved Declan, it was as if she saw no other, could love no other, not that she did not know how to love. Over the years she had been Aunt and advisor to his own children, all now in adulthood. She was gentle and kind to all she met but still there was that sadness. A sadness that people could sense, even if they did not know what it was. He worried about her more these days as she appeared to have decided that she had done all she could do and it was time for her to take that journey and look for her lost love.

Uri would have been even more concerned that day if he had realised just how close to losing her they were. She was slipping from them, slowly, silently and there was nothing he could do to stop her. A few short weeks later she was dead. In her elegance she had slipped away in her sleep one night, found by her hand maiden the next morning, a peaceful look on her face.

Uri was the first to see her. His tears rolled as he looked down upon her. She looked like the princess she was. As he bent to kiss her and touching her hand he pulled a small silver object from her grip. It was a small silver dragon that Declan had made for her so many years ago. Smiling he kissed her again. “I truly hope you have found each other.”

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Chapter 2

Danny ( A mirror image of Declan with less hair) looked upon the photo of his true love stuck to the cockpit window of his world war II plane. The smiling face of Elizabeth, Bethie as he called her looking back at him like a guardian angel.

They had literally run into each other one day when a thief had knocked her off her bike and run off with her purse. It had been outside the entrance to the RAF Base and Danny had caught her just before she hit the ground. He had smiled to himself hearing the language escape from her lips as she yelled at her assailant what she intended to do to him next time they met.

Danny had taken her to the Base hospital to attend to a few cuts and scrapes but Bethie was far more upset about the nylons that had been ruined. Danny did not see her again for a few weeks and in that time he had used all his charm to procure some nylons for her.

When they did meet she was overwhelmed by his generosity knowing how much he would have had to spend. Their friendship blossomed from then on. It was like they had known each other all their lives; they were so comfortable with each other. They joked that they must have been friends in a past life. Danny would joke if that was the case then they were bound to be friends in the next life as well. Danny had introduced Bethie to his good friend Urian (a twin to Uri with less hair) not long after and it wouldn’t be unusual to see the three of them out and about together.

The sound of anti-aircraft artillery brought him back to reality as they crossed the coast into Europe. His co-pilot, Urian a little miffed that Danny could drift off in his own thoughts as they were about to be engaged in battle. “Danny, You married the girl okay, she’ll be waiting for you when we get back. Mind you I don’t know why you didn’t wait until this damn war is over before taking the plunge.”

Danny looked at his friend and smiled. “It is because of this damn war I had to marry her. What if something happens? I wanted her to know how much I love her, how much I want to spend the rest of my life with her.”

“And if you leave her a widow, what then?”

“Then you have to promise me to look out for her Urian.”

Urian was about to answer when the plane was hit by a barrage of flack and both men concentrated on keeping it flying. The attack was brutal and Urian saw other planes hit and fall out of the sky. They had been hit as well. They were going to have to turn around. No battle for them that day.

Once the danger was over Urian turned back to Danny and the colour drained from his face. His friend was dead, so quiet and so silent, no cry, nothing. Urian struggled with the plane until he was shot down and had to ditch. He should have just left the plane and made for safety but he was not going to leave his friend. So Urian dug the best grave he could and placed Danny in it, next to their injured plane before leaving.

It took him weeks to get back to England and everyone had assumed that they had both died. His commanding officer giving his condolences when hearing of what had happened.

Urian’s next stop would be even harder. Although Bethie had been told her husband had been killed in action she refused to believe it. Would not accept he was dead. That was until she found Urian on her front stoop. The look in his eyes said it all and the picture he held in his hands was the final straw. He held the small photo of Elizabeth that Danny had carried with him everywhere. “I’m sorry Bethie.”

Bethie just let the tears roll as the pain covered her face. Urian lunged to catch her as she fainted.

As time went on some of the pain healed but none of the sadness left Bethie's face. Urian had retired from the air force after the war but continued to work with planes and he had stayed close to Bethie just as Danny had asked.

Neither one of them ever married, supporting each other through times of difficulty. Urian never finding the right person to settle down with even with Bethie’s match making. But he had worried about her for so many years; she had loved Danny so much.

One summer afternoon as they walked along the river she had told Urian that her love for Danny had been so complete she would not find it in her to love anyone else. She had hugged Urian and smiled saying that she would meet Danny again.

Not long after the Vietnam War broke out Urian was asked back into the air force as a consultant to help the United States. He was killed only weeks later.

Soon after Bethie also died.

She was found one morning by a friend who had noticed that she had not opened the curtains, passing away peacefully in her sleep. As they went to cover her with a sheet a small object fell out of her hand. It was a small silver dragon. A silly little gift that Danny had bought for her one afternoon saying he would be her Saint George and slaying any dragon that came to harm her.

It was the same dragon Declan had given Beth- Elena.

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Chapter 3

Derek (an American modern day image of Declan and Danny) woke with a start, lying still while his breathing got under control. He looked around the room for a flicker of recognition realising where he was. Another hotel room, another city. Sitting up he ran his fingers through his sweat drenched hair. They had started again, the dreams, dreams that danced in his sleep. Dreams that he thought he had finished with so many years ago. Dreams that felt so very real.

Derek put it down to the gruelling schedule of the groups tour and lack of sleep for their re appearance. But for whatever reason they were back and he knew there was no point in fighting them, they would stay for as long as they liked.

As a child his parents had put it down to an over active imagination When they returned as a teenager, he rarely spoke of them. They had visited him a few more times over his life and now they had come back, always the same two dreams. The feeling was always the same. The feeling that he knew the people in the dreams, he had a connection to these people.

Derek shook his head making for the shower in the hopes that the calming fingers of the water would wash away his thoughts.

The four members of the popular singing group Synergy which included Derek, had a promotional meet and greet the fans at a large shopping centre that morning then the day was theirs until the a sound check and concert that night. Derek was in the hotel lobby having arrived a few moments before the others. As Uriah (a Swiss modern day copy of Uri and Urian), Casta of spanish decent and the Frenchman, Simian got out of the lift Derek smiled at them but Uriah picked up on his inner mood. As Casta and Simian got into the car Uriah held Derek back. “You okay Derek?”

Derek smiled weakly. “Rough night.”

“Those dreams?”

Derek nodded in silence and they all got in the car. He had told Uriah about his dreams one night while they were discussing some of the weirder things that had happened to them on the road and in their earlier years.

They arrived at the shopping centre and all thoughts of his dreams forgotten as they walked into the crowd to greet their fans.

Little did Derek know that his life would change very drastically and he would begin to wonder what was dream and what was real?

After singing a song, the group moved to a long table sitting and got down to the business of signing autographs and as always receiving gifts. Each member of Synergy had been overwhelmed by the response of fans from the very beginning. Many of the gifts they received were handmade and they knew they would have taken hours of tender preparation. Others where expensive.

Derek was happily signing away when a fan handed him a small book to sign. As he took it from her he smiled and touched one of her fingers. They both jumped as each received an electric shock. Derek looked up at her as she dropped the book. “Wow!!! You must be supercharged.”

Derek’s expression changed from one of surprise and cheek to concern and apprehension when he really looked at her face. He stood, gaining the attention of his fellow band members.


The woman looked at Derek a little puzzled.”

“Bethie, is your name Bethie?”

She was the spitting image of Beth-Elena.

Uriah had been sitting next to Derek and was concerned about the change in his friend.

“Derek sit down.” Uriah looked to the women who had gone a little pale. “I’m sorry are you okay?”

She turned her attention to Uriah and smiled. “Yes thank you.” Then looked back at Derek. “My name is Elizabeth. Only my Grandmother ever called me Bethie.”

Elizabeth was shuffled along the table by other fans and was gone. Derek continued to sign autographs but he did so in a daze, having no idea who was passing in front of him or what he had said.

Once they had finished and walking back the waiting people mover Uriah got hold of Derek’s arm. “What was that all about back there?”

“Uriah that was her.”

“Who was her?”

“That was the girl in my dreams. Beth- Elena, Bethie.”

“But I thought your dreams were about two different times, two different women.”

“They are; but it is the same face I see, she has that face. I have to find her.”

Uriah gave his friend a shocked look. “Derek listened to what you are saying. She’s a fan. You’ll probably never see her again.”

Derek smiled back at him and patted Uriah on the pack. “No. We will meet again I just know it.”

Elizabeth had organised to meet a friend at a café outside the shopping centre. They had both gone to see Synergy but had been separated. She ordered a latte just as her friend arrived. Kimberly smiled as she sat. “Did you get all their autographs?”

Elizabeth nodded remaining quiet, thinking about what Derek had called her.

Kimberly was a little worried about her friend. “Hey Lizzie, you okay? Did something happen?”

Again Elizabeth smiled weakly. “He called me Bethie.”

“Who? Why?”

“Derek called me Bethie. The only person in my life to ever call me Bethie was my Grandmother and she has been gone a long time.”

“Oh I wouldn’t worry Lizzie, You probably just remind him of someone. They must see heaps of people.”

“But that is just it Kimber. As I was standing there in line waiting, I expected him to say it. I knew he was going to say it.”

Kimberly had a puzzled look on her face. “Don’t tell me you think just because you have been dreaming of this guy you think you have some kind of celestial connection. God Lizzie, give me a break. You’re obsessed. I know you like these guys and we are all entitled to our fantasies but get a grip girl. It was just a coincidence, nothing more.”

Elizabeth took a sip of her coffee looking out the window. Kimberly was right. It was just all the emotion of getting to see them.

As the waitress took Kimberly’s order Elizabeth continued to stare out the window. Not watching anything or anyone in particular when she saw Derek and Uriah step onto the footpath followed by Simian and Casta. She just stared at Derek. What he had said had unnerved.. How had he known her Grandmother’s name for her? As she continued to watch a dark windowed people mover pulled up and they all started to get in. Just before he was about to Derek stopped, looked up and down the street and then across at the café. His eyes fixed on hers for a moment. He couldn’t shake the feeling that he knew her. Elizabeth dared not to move, they watched each other for a little longer when Simian pushed Derek from behind to hurry him up.

Kimberly clicked her fingers in front of Elizabeth’s face. “Hey, hey Lizzie. You day dreaming about your knight in shining armour again?”

Elizabeth pulled a face at her friend and their conversation turned to other things but her thoughts were still on Derek, her dreams and how he had called her Bethie.

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                  Chapter 29                           

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