Day In The Life Of Cat


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Day 1

 My name is Scar the Avenger. Once I was the toughest, most feared alley cat in the city. But nothing, no one, not even I can compete with the unavailable fate of one day, being bent to the humans will. Sapped of your freedom, your name forgotten, until one day you become as I am now. 

The humans got me from a “rescue shelter”, whatever that is. I did not require rescuing. I was quite content on the streets, where I could maintain my freedom. However, they caught me, and shoved me in a crate. I am now no longer Scar the Avenger, but Mr McFluffles. And yet to add to the insult, they now force me to eat dry, flaky, flavourless trash they call kibble. I hope they realise that I’m not going down without a fight. Though i may not be able to escape, I can puke it up in their shoes. I can no longer scratch this into the wall behind the fridge, as U must be going. They want to play with me. Ugh. 

Signing off, Scar the Avenger.

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