Why do first graders have learning difficulties?

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Why do first graders have learning difficulties?

Well, it would seem - what's so difficult? What is there to learn? To read a rhyme, write a row of sticks-hooks - that's all the wisdom ... in our, adult's, look. Unfortunately, we very quickly forget how we ourselves were tormented in the first grade with these sticks in notebooks and with disobedient letters scattering before our eyes ...
What happens in the first year of study with a little man, what is this notorious "academic failure" in general?
Psychologists have identified a number of difficulties in teaching first graders:
About 20% of children miss letters in writing. This happens for various reasons: someone is poorly concentrating attention, while someone has a low level of development of the so-called phonemic hearing and, in general, the ability to perceive information "by ear" (which is quite possible to develop).
About the same number of children constantly make mistakes in writing, although they learn all the rules (but they cannot apply them). This is usually associated with problems in the development of attention, its volume and concentration, as well as short-term memory. This is not fatal and is also corrected with special exercises. This can be corrected by writing written works. With the help of https://bidforwriting.com/ it will turn out to write a good written work. Your child will be very happy with this resource.

Another 17% of students suffer from the fact that they are catastrophically inattentive and absent-minded: they, in principle, are capable and have a positive attitude (at least at first) to learning, constantly lose something, forget and get confused. And another 10 percent of kids constantly forget school supplies at home - books, notebooks, pencil cases, physical education uniforms, removable shoes, that is, they are very disorganized. They have a low level of concentration and stability of attention, weak volitional regulation of behavior, but this also lends itself to psychological correction. You can adjust mindfulness by writing an essay. With the help of https://bidforwriting.com/write-my-paper it will work very well. So the child will be able to concentrate on the main thing and throw away secondary thoughts.
About 15% of children have specific academic failure due to poor development of logical and abstract thinking - they have big problems with mathematics.
13% of children suffer from being completely restless. The lesson lasts 45 minutes and, despite the physical pauses and frequent change of activities, such "awkward" children still do not have the strength to "sit out" the allotted time without being distracted by themselves and without disturbing others. This is explained by the peculiarities of motor development and a low level of development of the volitional sphere; children with hyperactivity suffer the most from such disorders.

About the same number of children are unable to retell a text read by a teacher or on their own, or even compose a coherent story based on a picture. The reasons for this may be the poor development of logical memorization, a low level of development of speech and figurative thinking. To prevent this from happening, help your child to develop correctly. With the help of https://bidforwriting.com/research-paper you will help you develop your writing. A useful resource to motivate your child to learn.
Approximately the same number of children do not understand the teacher's explanations the first time (they have to “chew” everything): they either hesitate to ask and accumulate “gaps” in knowledge, or they constantly ask literally every word and interfere with the work of the whole class. This is due to poor concentration, low attention span, and the inability to "force" oneself to do something that is difficult and / or uninteresting.
Approximately 10% of children have catastrophically "dirty" notebooks. They seem to be unable to "normally" draw even the simplest elements, their letters are crooked and spread out. And in an attempt to put them in order, these children are constantly wiping and correcting something, which, of course, only aggravates the heartbreaking spectacle. This happens due to the underdevelopment of fine motor skills of fingers: at preschool age, such kids drew too little, sculpted and cut out.
The same number of children have difficulty remembering the multiplication table due to poor mechanical and long-term memory and poor concentration.
And the same percentage of first-graders are unable to work independently - neither in the classroom nor at home. There are variations on this theme: the child cannot work independently in the classroom, but at home he does it - and vice versa. This is due to the different speed of mental processes in babies: what a choleric person and a sanguine person can do easily and quickly, the slow “slow-witted” phlegmatic person cannot have time in class - but at home he will “take his own”. If, on the contrary, the child cannot work at home, although, according to the teacher, he does quite well in the classroom - think about whether he is provided with the necessary conditions for work at home (and this is not only the presence of a table and chair, but also a comfortable, quiet room for classes, a normal psychological environment), or - if you are too protective of him.
Some children, as they say, "do not know how to behave": they loudly comment on what is happening in the lesson, the teacher's behavior and assessments, do not react or react negatively to comments. This is usually caused by family problems, most often - the transfer of a difficult relationship with a mother or grandmother to a teacher.
There is also a separate subgroup of children whose problem is poor spatial orientation. For a long time, almost several weeks, they cannot remember the location of their class at school, the location of the toilet, canteen, changing rooms - therefore they often get lost in the “three pines” and are late from break to class. Some children are poorly guided even in their own notebook, and the teacher's request "to step back three cells from the top and ten to the left" plunges such a child into a stupor. This is also a "home heritage": probably, the child was not accustomed to independence, little was done with him or they did everything "for him."
So, as we can see, with the exception of the difficulties associated with the physiological characteristics of the child or with his existing disorders, most school problems are still "from the family": someone was not taught the rules of behavior, someone was too patronized, with someone did not study much and did not develop memory, attention, finger motor skills in the child.
We will talk about who exactly with particular difficulty is given the first grade and how to help the child solve these problems in the following articles.
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