Prevention of gastritis and stomach ulcers: forewarned is forearmed


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Prevention of gastritis and stomach ulcers: forewarned is forearmedapter 1

Stomach problems occur in many people of all ages. The feeling of heaviness, heartburn or painful discomfort is familiar to almost everyone, but these are the first signs of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. When symptoms appear, it is important to draw the right conclusions, because everyone knows that the disease is better prevented than cured.


Therefore, the prevention of gastritis and ulcers, the most common diseases of the digestive system, comes to the fore. What measures must be taken to prevent the development of these diseases, their transition to a chronic stage or the appearance of complications, will be our conversation today. 


Prevention of stomach ulcers

When the lesion develops not only on the gastric mucosa, but also in its deeper layers, then the patient is diagnosed with peptic ulcer disease. A stomach ulcer is considered a chronic disease, where periods of exacerbation alternate with remissions. This disease manifests itself with such serious symptoms as acute and painful hunger, pain in the upper abdomen, upset stools, weakness, bloating, vomiting at night, and impaired appetite.


The complexes of preventive measures that prevent the development of gastritis and stomach ulcers are very similar, because the causes of these diseases are also common. Prevention of gastric ulcer development is usually divided into primary, secondary and tertiary.


Primary prevention is aimed at preventing disease. This is facilitated by the maintenance of immunity, the creation of favorable living conditions, including good nutrition 4-5 times a day, physical activity, sports, positive psycho-emotional state, sound sleep for 7-8 hours a day. It is very important to monitor your health, treat any disease on time, carefully observe oral hygiene and visit your dentist regularly.


Given the extreme prevalence of Helicobacter pylori , care must be taken to exclude the possibility of infection of your body with this spiral-shaped bacterium that lives on the gastric mucosa, attaching to the villi of the epithelium. In 80% of cases, it creates conditions for the development of peptic ulcer disease. Helicobacter pylori antibody test today you can go to some private laboratories to refute or confirm its presence. This is especially true for those who live or work in close proximity to carriers of this infection. For example, if someone in your family has already been diagnosed with a peptic ulcer, you need to constantly adhere to preventive measures. So, with the patient you cannot use the same cutlery, dishes, and a towel. You should also refrain from kissing to reduce the likelihood of transmission of infection to healthy family members, especially children.


Secondary prevention is focused on patients with an already diagnosed peptic ulcer and is aimed at reducing the likelihood of relapses and complications, at preventing or slowing down the progressive development of ulcers. In the course of secondary prevention, it is important to correct deviations from the "norm" that occur from time to time. Therefore, at this stage, the importance of mandatory medical examination of the population, regular medical examinations of patients from risk groups is increasing.


Of course, the course of treatment prescribed by the gastroenterologist should be strictly followed. Also you can buy aciphex. As a rule, it includes medications, a therapeutic diet, physiotherapy, mineral water intake and herbal medicine.


The basis of the treatment of stomach ulcers is drug therapy, which includes drugs to reduce the production of hydrochloric acid, to stimulate gastric motility, antibiotics, antacids to eliminate heartburn.


Bismuth-based gastroprotectors with bactericidal activity also play a key role in the fight against exacerbations of peptic ulcer and gastritis.


It is these drugs that in most cases are prescribed by doctors for secondary and tertiary prevention of gastritis and ulcers. In each of the main treatment regimens, preparations containing bismuth are necessarily present. They not only promote the healing of ulcers and other mucosal injuries, but also provide comprehensive treatment: thanks to the active substance, they quickly, effectively and permanently relieve unpleasant symptoms of the disease (heartburn, pain, bloating), and also eliminate the very cause of the disease - the Helicobacter pylori bacterium .


In addition, bismuth-based preparations form a protective layer on the damaged mucous membrane, which for a long time protects the affected areas from the influence of aggressive factors, has anti-inflammatory and astringent effects, and also helps to restore damaged cells and activate regeneration. The course of treatment based on bismuth-containing drugs usually lasts from 1 to 2 months, depending on the severity of the disease and in 85% of cases [1] gives a persistent positive effect. Tertiary prevention , which is aimed at reducing the complications that have already arisen in patients with gastric ulcer, is very close in form and content to the secondary. This medical prevention includes a set of measures for the rehabilitation and prevention of the patient's disability, and as a scientific direction, it is looking for ways to increase the duration of an active life.


In addition to observing all the above recommendations, patients are shown course and spa treatment, especially in autumn and spring. Also, gastroenterologists prescribe special complexes of therapeutic gymnastics, aimed at alleviating the condition of the body with pain in the stomach. These exercises teach you to control your breathing, develop the ability to relax, which helps to relieve severe pain in case of stomach ulcers.


Summing up what has been said, it is worth emphasizing that both peptic ulcer and gastritis cannot be considered as a local pathology. This is a disease of the whole organism as a whole, which can be completely avoided if you pay a little more attention and care to your health. You cannot rely only on the help of doctors and medicines, much more valuable and useful is a healthy lifestyle, proper and regular nutrition, emotional stability, love and support of loved ones. Only in harmony with yourself and the world around you can you preserve health and joy of life. But if the disease has already appeared, it is necessary to start taking effective drugs as soon as possible, observing all the prescriptions of the attending physician. 

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