Can The Secret Be Kept?


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My Life

Hi I'm Megan and this is my story.

When I was born I was like any other child, normal until I was 3 years old. Me and my parents were walking through the park when someone came up too me and dropped an apple into my little bag what I always used too carry round with me because I probably used to think I was cute....anyway I didn't understand back then so like any other child I took a bite and instantly started screaming in pain my parents rapidly turned around and saw the apple then stared at me for over a minute or two. Later that night I woke up too be in a bed I knew for a fact I wasn't at home I was in a white room with a curtain around my bed. My mommy and daddy found out I-I was I-immortal and I had the power of reading minds.

           As I grew older I started to become paler and paler when I was 12 I went to a different high school because in the last one the light really burned my skin badly to the point where I had burns in my hands and that...but this school wasn't much better except from I met this girl I didn't really catch her name because I was too scared to ask her. Earlier that day I walked into the bathroom and dropped my glasses as I went down to grab them and I accidentally knocked into this girl "omg I'm so sorry for knocking into you" I said timidly. then she replied "get out of my way you pale ass freak".The next day I stayed home from school

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