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Wednesday 5:00 AM CDT:

Linda's legs were finally limber, so she took a deep breath and pushed. The final turn was just ahead.

A group dressed in matching shirts with “Kick it for Kids” printed on the back, ran past her, but she didn't care. She was ahead of last year's time.

The route for the 5k was an easy one. The only incline was near the Methodist Church. The rest was flat road, leading the runners through neighborhoods around the town courthouse. Streets were blocked to traffic to give the runners plenty of room.

The simple route didn't bother her. Each run offered new paths Some were structured like today's run, while others offered choices. Take the flat road to the left or bear up the hill to the right. Stay on concrete or sprint across the grass. Maneuver through chunky gravel or stretch her stride on a lonely road. All runs came to an end, and she never questioned the road taken or regretted what she left behind. Never! Every run was a win and today felt like a trophy day.

She shook her head at the hostess's offer of water as she ran by the three quarter mark. The woman pointed Linda's attention across the street. At the far end of the city's park, a large herd of deer was running past the swing sets. Children stood, pointing and laughing. The deer seemed unaware of their admirers as they moved in unison toward the fence. They jumped one at a time, crossed the First National Bank parking lot, and disappeared behind the building.

The July sun popped out and Linda shielded her eyes, just in time to see the red Porsche parked across the street. Linda slowed and glanced around before maneuvering through the pickups to get to the other side of the road.

She stopped and took a couple of deep breaths."Hi. You must have got off early today." She leaned down to kiss Lostyn but decided she was too sweaty, so she bent down instead and rested her chin on the car door.

"I came to check on you." Lostyn looked down the road. "There aren't many running."

"Most have already made it in and the walkers are probably about half way." Linda stretched her legs and pulled her ponytail tighter.

"I will be ready for dinner soon" Lostyn adjusted the mirror and smoothed his hair.

"I'll head straight home as soon as I cross the finish line" She smiled."There's a chicken in the crock pot. It will take me just a minute to finish supper -ah-dinner. She glanced down. "And shower, of course."

Lostyn's nose twitched so she quickly added, "I found a new recipe. It has lemon and basil." She patted her forehead. "I hope you like it." Lostyn rolled his neck.

She bent back down. "So, tell me. Did you sign the new group from Vegas?"

Lostyn rubbed his brow. "The meeting isn't until next week Linda. Did you forget?'

"Oh, I'm sorry. You're right, of course. Must be this sun." She winked.

Out of the corner of her eye, Linda saw her friend motioning her toward the finish line. "Renee needs me." Linda waved at the race coordinator and glanced back at Lostyn.

Lostyn looked back and frowned. “I'm heading home, Linda. I'm counting on you to be close behind.”

"I will. See you in a few minutes."

She stepped back and Lostyn drove off.

Linda waited until he turned the corner. As soon as he was out of sight, she sprinted toward the finish line. Renee's arms were waving frantically, pointing toward a small heap on the ground by the sidewalk. Linda ran past Renee, jumping over a water cooler and award box.

Two men were squatting on the ground next to a little girl lying with her knee pulled to her chest.

"What is it?" Linda noticed the child's pink tulle skirt. "Let me see your knee princess.

She gently pried the girl's bloody hands away and the girl cried out.

"It will be okay. Did you fall when you were running?" The little girl nodded and tried to reach for her knee again, but Linda intercepted the small trembling hands and held them together in hers. "I'm a nurse and I'll help you. What's your name?"


"Amy. What a pretty name." Linda looked around for something to use as a bandage. Renee reached the group and tossed a roll of paper towels at Linda before sliding down the nearest tree trunk.

Linda hopped up but Renee flung a hand up in dismissal so Linda turned back to Amy.

"Let's get you fixed up Princess Amy." One of the men handed her a bottle of water and Linda started cleaning the wound. "It will be okay. I promise. Look. It has almost stopped bleeding."

Amy opened one eye to inspect her knee. "It still hurts," she sniffled.

"I know it does. Did you come with anyone today?"

Amy shook her head. Linda lay another towel on the wound. She would have to remind Renee to have a first aid team on standby the next time. And no unaccompanied children!

Linda sighed. Lostyn was waiting for dinner. Renee was wheezing. Amy was alone. And she hadn't crossed the finish line.


Thursday 4:00 PM CDT:

Traffic! Linda drummed her fingers on the steering wheel. Dinner couldn't be late. Linda adjusted her sunglasses.Tonight had to be perfect.

Her phone rang as the light changed. She dug into her purse and retrieved it. “Hi Mom." She cut into the outer lane, ignoring a blaring horn.

“What was that?"

“It's nothing. What are you up to?"

“The sun hid behind the clouds today, so I took cobbler and ice cream to Mr. Shamo to cheer him. He grieves for his wife still. He gave me a very good price on blueberries yesterday. I'm freezing them so we can make pies when you visit."

Linda didn't respond. "I tried calling both you and Lostyn yesterday. You were busy?”

Linda hesitated. “It was late when I saw the missed call. And blueberry pie sounds yummy, Mom, but I’m in traffic right now. Let me give you a call later, okay?” Linda broke through the traffic congestion and picked up speed.

“Okay. Be safe and –" Linda’s phone went dead.

“Great.” Linda reached to plug her phone in the charger. She looked up in time to see the car next to her move into her lane. She slammed on the brakes. All the groceries shifted out of the back seat into the floorboard. “Oh well, great!”

You have to calm down. She exhaled slowly and released her grip on the steering wheel. Staying calm was her only hope of getting through the next few hours.

She turned onto Wantland Road and steered around a pair of turtles crossing the street. She pulled into the garage and jumped out to check the back seat. Canned goods cluttered the floorboard. Tomorrow, she decided and grabbed the other bags.

She eyeballed the clock on the stove. 4:20. Dinner will take 40 minutes. No crock pot dinner tonight. Linda shuddered.

While Linda peeled potatoes, she watched a ruby throat hummingbird stand guard over the feeder outside the window. When a smaller hummingbird got close, he drove it away. “Bully." She scraped the potato peelings into the trash and added the potatoes to the boiling water.

She set the table, and after doing a quick survey of the kitchen, inspected the rest of the house. Everything looked in order.

Linda changed her shirt to a white over yellow double tee top. It lay nicely over the jeans she was wearing. She ran a brush through her jet black hair and pulled it back into a ponytail, grimacing as she worked it up into a messy chignon. Linda liked how her hair was up and out of the way. And Lostyn would approve of her clothing. He had purchased that particular top for her, telling her the yellow complemented her skin. She smoothed the hemline.

She hurried back into the living room and turned the television to the news, muting the sound. She folded the morning's paper, set it on the end table by Lostyn's chair, and turned the lamp on.

She returned to the kitchen window to wait. The hummingbird was gone. In the neighbor's yard, Brianna was practicing cartwheels. Her young neighbor bobbed her head in count – one, two, and three – and over, landing unsteadily, but on her feet. The girl rubbed her hands on her thighs and ran back to her starting point. Brianna re-positioned herself, taking great care to point her toes forward. When she raised her hands and looked up, she noticed Linda. She smiled and gave a shy wave. Linda gave a large nod of approval and then moved out of Brianna's view.

From her new vantage point, Linda watched the neighbor across the street check his mail. Lostyn always checked their mail. She watched the man bend so the little black and tan Yorkshire terrier could jump into his arms. He cocked the dog under his arm and headed through the door his wife held open. Linda didn’t know much about the couple. His name was Nathan and her name was Chandra. Corky was the dog. They were gone a lot on the weekends, but during the week, Nathan came home, checked the mail, grabbed the dog, and walked through the door held open by his wife. Linda never inquired further. No one needed to know more than that about their neighbor.

The red sports car turned onto the street. Linda shut the oven off and pulled the pork tenderloin out of the oven. She pushed the timer off as it counted down its last few seconds.

She went to stand at the end of the counter and waited while Lostyn checked the mail and walked along the flower beds, checking for any stray weeds she might have missed. Linda wiped her hands on her thighs. She was ready.

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