Long Gone


Tablo reader up chevron


i'm not good with intros so please go to chap 1

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Chapter 1


I jogged through the woods early in the morning, it was one of the most peaceful things i had ever experienced and right now i needed peace, seeing that the big game was tonight and i was on edge.

It wasn't like we didn't practice or didn't know what we had to do, but it was a big game and if we were to loose it would be horrible and more importantly our scholarships and name was on the line, so as the captain of the basketball team, i had to make sure everything went smoothly.

I jogged back to my black Aventador and jumped in, on the way home i pumped up the music and didn't forget to pick up my coffee.


I pulled up to the gate and it opened right away, being the son of two doctors and published writers, who inherited their families welt, gave me a lot of privileges, but things weren't always peaceful and perfect in our home.

Me and my parents were at odds, because they wanted all their children to study something in the medical field, but i hated science and wasn't a kiss-ass like my other siblings, well i couldn't blame Avery she was only ten and followed everything the others did, because i was rarely at home, after all every time i was at home, it turned into a big argument with my parents, so avoided them most times.


I walked in and rubbed Avery on her head before going up to my room, i sat on my computer for the next few hours before preparing to leave, i picked up my gym bag before going to my dads home office, i knocked and walked in, as usual he wasn't pleased to see me in my gym wear.

"Yes Stephen, what is it?" before i could say anything mom walked in carrying Chance in her hands.

"Good afternoon baby."

"Good afternoon mom."

"This year please?" dad said while collecting Chance so mom could head out to work.

"I wondering if you guys would come to my game tonight."

"Sorry baby but i can't make it, i have a lot of patients to see and then i have a board meeting tonight, but i'm sure you'll do a good job" she placed a kiss on my cheek before walking past me.

"Dad what about you?"

"I never have nor will i ever attend one of your pointless basketball games, i already told you that sport is a waste of time and it helps no one, so don't count on me being there, when you start being serious about your future you can come back to me" after saying that he turned his attention to Chance.

I left his office closing the door behind me, i went down to the kitchen, grabbed some of my sports drinks and stuff i had packed earlier, i turned around only to see my three older siblings and two of my younger ones.


"How long are you going to keep doing this, huh? how long do you intend to frustrate our parents, to hurt their feelings and downright disrespect them by playing this awful excuse for a sport?!" Sorah snarled from island.

"How long are you going to be a kiss-ass and not go after what you want, huh? they are not the ones living your lives, they already achieved what they wanted and now they want you to do the same, i'm not going to become some doctor to please anyone, if my heart isn't in it, it always ends badly, at least i have a flipping spine and can go after what i want!"

"You are a disappointment to our parents and they will never be proud of you!"

Everything went silent, they were waiting for my comeback, but i had nothing, not after hearing something like that.

"I have a game to go to, i don't have time for this" i said in a low voice and walked out the door, i hopped in my car and drove down the road.

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