The Frolic Of The Dammed


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 Lights flickered outside a white building, the crowd cheered as a  man in tattered clothes was brought up the stairs to the gallows; it was all  just far enough away to make it seem like a it wasn’t real, a play acted out upon a stage,but the lever was pulled, trap door fell and the feet swayed. It was too far away to hear the neck snap but upon the back drop of a Mojave desert night, the silhouette of legs swaying in the south western breeze, Ike they were dancing too the howl of the wind. The crowd cheered, and a man died and the winds that swayed those legs blew across the dessert dunes , where hope clung on as hopeless as the sand . The dammmmm  danced and cheered, and the lamb swayed, hung by a rope. 

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