Working With Angels


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©Working With Angels 2015

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Michelle Wheeler.

also author to first edition Light walkers. 

picture is called end of days angel and was painted by: Peter Paul Rubens Born 28 June 1577 Died 16 May 1640.
He has many great paintings of angels.
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The trumpets of judgement day.

The end of time Apocalypse of St John apostle. Seven angels blow seven trumpets. At the sound of the first trumpet this will hail fire, and blood will rain down from the heavens. In modern day text this means it will rain a lot more than ever before. At the second trumpet the burning of a land will crash into the sea causing the waters to turn bitter and poisonous,killing thousands of sea life. For example  disaster's will happen to our sea, this will be unstoppable.A disaster struck in 2012 called Fukushima. This has had a devastating effect to our waters. It has left thousands dead and is still killing due to the radioactivity. At the third trumpet a star will fall into the sea and drowned.Meaning a angel will drowned. At the sound of the forth trumpet the sun moon and stars grow dim,nearly dark with the progression cataclysm intensifies. This could be from pollution such as chemtrails and chemical gasses . The fifth trumpet precipitates the fall of a personified star, which is giving the key to the well of the Abyss (named Abaddon in Hebrew and Apollyon in Greek). This is the killing of another fallen Angel. The sixth trumpet sounds the call to free the four angels in our earth of the Apocalypse from their chains from Satan's wrath.  This will release horsemen/ Gods warriors to attack and kill the sins of earth. Finally the seventh trumpet will release Christ to open the heavenly temple an this reveals the ark of the covenant. 

As we are all aware we are not alone in this earth. We have been taught from a early age of angels god and the devil. Through all religions its the same story. Its different parts of the earth that use different names for it. This has lead to many wars and uprising but we all end up with the same fate. 

For example Buddha was golden he travels to spread the words of peace. Mara is the devil in Buddhist religion, who was lust greed and hatred. In the Hachi Bushu it describes how Buddha fought the devil and his demons. Buddha has many told storys of clashes with demonic forces. He walked a path of truth and freed the world with his love and light. Buddha also lived by love thy nabour love thy enemy. They need love more than us. Christ also used this on his path of light. 

Also in ancient Egyption times  they followed texts of Ra you can find his storys in the book of the dead or on hieroglyphs. Ra chose a golden hearted son called Horus, He was sacrificed to unleash light in our earth. He then sat on the right hand of Ra serving him and protecting our earth from the evil eye and the underworld.     




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Angels are gods servants they help protect our earth. We all have a guardian angel and they protect us from any demonic force or any force in earth whom have been sent to harm us. Angels can speak to us in thousands of ways. They can use our minds to signal a message across. They speak to us when we are in danger or show us with our minds eye. Angels can use nature, for example sitting a garden of emptiness, and all of a sudden three or four butterflies fly around you this can be a numeracy message. Angels talk through numbers also. This has happened to me a couple of times for example I kept getting 0-5 these two numbers where two messages in one. This message said that I am walking the right path and I am going exactly where I need to be going using their guidance.  Angels will not give you bad messages until you really need to be made aware of these.You are always in their arms of protection. 

Angels can talk through angel cards however this uses energy and can also be used by a dark entity so I would not suggest these unless you really know how to close off. You can find out how to use your energies in my other book Light Walkers Michelle Wheeler.

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Angels and numeracy

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